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She looked pretty hot and...I dunno. She looked at all of us and focused on Julio and Jakob. Then she groaned and dropped what was on her hand. It was a bottle of lube with two condom packets.
So she was about to do the deed, huh.
"Why is it that dudes of nowadays just wish for their death?", she said.
We all kept silent. Then she looked me up and down and a smirk formed on her face.
"You'll do", she said then walked up to me. I felt my body tense.
"Look, how about you take me to your   place, we have some violent and scandalous sex and..."
"Tempting really", I cut in.
"...And then afterward I kill you, your minions, your wife, children, parents and every member of your...kind"

"You still don't get it do you? I've got no wife nor children. You're my mate. We're fuckin' bonded for life", I deadpanned.
I let out a sigh.
"I accept your offer"
She smiled and turned to the dude on the bed.
And the guy fell asleep. My eyes widened.
Hell no. She could kill all of us if she wanted to, though not me, for reasons you'll come to find out later, but she could kill my guys.
So I put my hand into my bag and pulled out a chain and shackled her with it. She chuckled.
"You should know that I can break out of this if I want to", she said.
"I don't think so...mate. It's made to block out a witch's magic. So you're trapped. And I also don't accept the whole killing of your offer"


We entered my meeting room and we found Ace waiting for us.
"Jenna, this is Ace my brother. He's a witch. Ace, this is my mate. Also a witch", I said gesturing to them both while speaking. Ace walked over to her and kissed her shackled hands.
"Nice to meet you", he said.
My mate didn't reply. She shamelessly gave him a one over.
I rolled my eyes and went to stand by my seat facing her. The guys left leaving Julio, my brother, and my mate and I in the room.
"You both are hot. But I think I'm gonna fuck Ace first."
I scoffed.
"It's a shame though. I'm gonna have to kill everyone else first before the sex", she added.
Ace chuckled.
"How can a witch who doesn't know how to recite spells kill a whole pack of wolves at the same time?", he asked in that annoying and condescending manner of his.
I looked at my mate to see her reaction. She just looked neutral.
"Let me tell you one thing about life. Never underestimate your enemy. Especially one who you know nothing about. And as for your question, how about I show you?", she said and suddenly, the chains that bound her hands fell off and with the speed of a vampire, it wrapped itself on my brother's neck and took him up, leaving him hanging on the air and unable to do magic.
I was about to jump up to pull him down but I was hit with a severe migraine.
Magically induced. I shrieked. I could also hear my guys screaming. Then I felt my body getting hot. It was as if the inner parts of my body were boiling. I could feel blood flowing down my eyes, nostrils and ears.
My blood.
And then all of a sudden, everything faded.
I looked at my mate to see blood also flowing down her eyes, nostrils and ears.
I wanted to laugh at her but I couldn't bring myself to.
"We're linked by magic and we're also mates. If I die, you die", I told her in a raised voice.
"I figured that out bumhole. I just altered the link. As for the mate thing, I'm gonna destroy it when I find out how", she said.
"It's easier said than done", I said.
"Do you still underestimate me?", she asked as she walked over to me menacingly.
"You can't kill me", I told her.
She shrugged. I mentally rolled my eyes.
"Maybe I can't for now. But I can still punish you", she said and grabbed my neck. I couldn't react on time as she flung me across the room to the wall like I was weightless.
I quickly got back on feet, the pain from the fall fading as my healing set in. My eyesight sharpened, which meant my eyes were glowing.

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