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Finally, some peace and quiet. My mate was still mad at me for murdering his brother and he refused to speak to me. I mean who wouldn't do the same?
Not that I cared.
After moving around the pack house, I went to the training grounds where several shirtless and sweaty hot werewolves were training their asses out.
As soon as I walked in, everywhere went silent and all eyes turned to me. It was an awkward moment. I walked over to the weapon stands and picked out a sword. I could tell they were scared. I smirked.
"I appreciate your good sense of fright but fortunately for you, I'm not here to kill you. In fact I'm here to train with you or rather train you. So.. who's first?"
I looked at them expectantly. No one came forward. I noticed that some of them had their eyes on the sword I was holding and then it dawned on me.
"It's clear to me that you're aware of my tendency of coating metallic weapons with silver. Let's change that, shall we"
I raised the sword slightly.
The once metallic bladed sword I was holding became a wooden sword. I looked at some of the werewolves and I could see some of them grinning.
"Shall we?"
"No we shan't ", a voice came from behind me and my heartbeat quickened.
"You've got to be kidding me", I said and turned to look. Sure enough, there Ace stood with his brother looking all proud.

"I must say I'm not surprised. Protection spell, right? You see, I learnt a couple of spells in your absence. So are you here to try to murder me again?"
" I can if you want me to"
I frowned and walked up to him.
"You know, when I kill someone they're supposed to stay dead. Try that stunt you pulled last time again and I promise, even a protection spell won't hinder your demise."
I smiled and went back to where I previously stood.
"In fact, why don't I show y'all the new spell I learnt. After all, even though I'm using a wooden sword, some of you will still die"
I dropped the sword and raised my two hands slightly.
"Terram ad terram, anima ad sanguinem, adstringe hunc armis. Infinitum in loco", I recited.
Everyone was looking at me expecting some kind of magic blast. I looked at Ace and smirked. A dagger flew out of the weapon stand and floated near my face.
The metal blade of the dagger became coated with silver and it flew into the chest of one of the werewolves, straight to his heart.
He gasped and fell. He turned grey and died. Few seconds later, he gasped as he came to. The grey color gradually faded from his body. He stood and pulled the dagger from his chest. Everyone looked shocked, save for Ace.
"This protection spell is bound to this room. So as long as you die here, you will come back to life. So, shall we?'/"


The werewolves surrounded her in a circle. I just want her dead, I think. But is that so hard to accomplish.
Thankfully the protection spell doesn't protect her so if she dies in this, whatever this is, it is permanent. She's not coming back. Or at least, that's what I hope for.
"Y'all made a very big mistake by surrounding me. You seem to forget that I'm a witch", Jenna said and smiled.
All the wolves were thrown off their balance. The room began to shake. A violent wind flooded into the room. The light bulbs began to blink and spark violently.
"Oh my God", my brother said.
I looked at Jenna and saw that the wooden-bladed sword she was previously holding was now metal. Most probably silver.
Though I'm an experienced witch, I haven't seen this much gore in my life. Heads were separated from bodies, hearts were torn out, brains were melted, werewolves were stabbed with silver at the heart and they kept resurrecting few seconds after dying.

After what felt like forever, all the violence stopped. The room stopped shaking, the light bulbs returned to their normal steady light supply and all the wolves were alive and breathing. The room on the other hand, not so much.
All the wolves were cheering.
Aiden was speechless.
Jenna was panting and laughing.
"That was fun wasn't it?"
"Hell yeah. It feels so weirdly good to die knowing you would come back in like what, less than a minute?", one wolf said.
"I even saw my departed family members in the afterlife", another said and they all burst into laughter .
Then a wolf went behind Jenna and bit into her neck. She screamed and he broke her neck. Jenna fell, dead and silence enveloped the room.
Five minutes had passed and she still hadn't woken up. I could feel my brother's rage and of I didn't do something about. Well people were gonna get hurt especially Jenna's killer. Other werewolves took their positions waiting for an order to eliminate the killer. I held my brother's shoulder and made him look at me. His eyes were glowing.

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