Mar ☆ 15

171 17 107

⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹

As Beomgyu slowly woke up, the morning sunlight gently cast a soft glow on his face. He blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the light and he felt a little groggy from this night's restless sleep...

He was soon aware of the presence against his side. His breath hitched slightly as he turned and realised it was of course Taehyun. Their faces were so close that he could feel his soft breathing on his skin, a shy little blush spread across Beomgyu's cheeks at this proximity.

He tried not to let it fluster him too much as he quickly focused on getting out of bed. Just as he was about to swing his legs over the edge of the bed, he felt a gentle grip on his wrist.

Turning his head, Beomgyu was met with the sight of Taehyun, still half-asleep, but with a determined expression on his face for some reason. Beomgyu's eyes instantly darted to his exposed collarbone but he quickly focused back on his face..
Okay his sleepy face also made him feel some type of way so he decided to look at the lamp behind Taehyun.

"I'll make breakfast contractor."

Beomgyu felt confused as hell but at the same time, his heart warmed at the gesture. "Umm? Ok for starters good morning." He chuckled, this lundevil doesn't know how to greet people, and it was funny how he was already thinking about food when he just woke up a second ago-
"Why are you randomly saying this? It's fine I'll do it, something simple."

"No." Taehyun said. "For once let me cook for you."

"I mean if you insist?" Beomgyu mumbled as he tried to keep his face away from Taehyun's field of vision. They slept in the same bed again, and Taehyun doesn't seem fazed by it so.. is this going to be a normalised thing now?


Beomgyu wanted to keep his face a little hidden upon feeling self-conscious of his morning face, Taehyun doesn't usually see it since they were sleeping in different rooms and Beomgyu always woke up first.

He let a sigh out.

At the dining table

Beomgyu kept on giggling, he just couldn't help but let out muffled giggles as he tried to pick up his spoonful.

"What?" The younger frowned.

"Haha cereal Taehyun? Really?" Beomgyu smiled. "I love how you're even labelling this as cooking, it's cute.."

"It was very hard you know, pouring cereal and milk into a bowl and stuff...." Taehyun looked so serious which only endeared his friend more.

"Sure I'm proud of you.."

They ate their cereal in comfortable silence for a bit before Taehyun muttered out of nowhere. "Nudist, I wanna thank you.."

"Huh for what?"

"I know it's kind of expected since we're contract partners but thank you for letting me stay with you like this and treating me well.."

He continued. "I've had this job of granting human wishes for 2 years now, I've had many contractors and our relationships never lasted more than a day.. But now hands down I think you're my favourite contractor, everything is different with you.
I don't wanna go home; I want to keep living on Earth like this and I get to do it thanks to you. So I'm glad I was summoned by you specifically."

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