Mar ☆ 13

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The bedroom the two guys shared tonight was bathed in the muted glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. Maybe just maybe they should've done a better job with closing the curtains.

A subtle restlessness has been lingering with Taehyun, he couldn't sleep despite being a quick sleeper every night before this one. And so with a soft rustle of sheets, he turned around in bed to face sleeping-Beomgyu.

He slowly traced the lines of Beomgyu's relaxed features with his eyes. He was in unmanifested awe at how delicately beautiful his contractor was looking right now.

After a little moment, he whispered. "Contractor.."

"Hmm.." Meanwhile, it was extremely tough to figure out whether Beomgyu was awake or not.

"I tend to feel bad when I can't help you... And to be honest I can't stop thinking about how you wanted my help with learning how to kiss yet I turned you down.."


"And so I've been wondering.."


Even when sleeping in the same bed, Beomgyu manages to wake up first.

He was in the kitchen now, watching YouTube videos about how to cook egg-fried rice while waiting for someone to call his phone. Beomgyu had taken a long break from making that breakfast but that didn't mean he had given up on it. He's watched tens and tens of cooking videos and even hired a teacher to come home one day.

She called him on the phone just now, it wasn't a paying session, she just grew a little fond of him and didn't mind wishing him luck on this apparently important morning.

"Beomgyu-ssi you'll be using rice that you boiled the day before right?"

"Yes! And I bought all the ingredients you recommended, I'm ready for this fight!"

"Haha good luck, I hope you'll impress your crush."

The phone was on low speaker but he quickly stopped that and brought the phone to his ear. "Wait what? What are you saying I'm not crushing on the guy I'm cooking this for..!!"

"Oh no I'm sorry! I just assumed, I mean you're going through such great lengths just for him to like this one dish so..... I don't know for me that just meant that you like him."

"Nah haha he just hurt my ego I want to prove him wrong."

"Hah okay I see.. well good luck anyway!"

After mutually ending the phone call, Beomgyu found himself frozen in place, he couldn't get what she said out of his head. 'What the heck I'm not doing this because I like him.'

'But well if someone asked me whether I dislike or like Taehyun, I'd go with liking him-
But not in that way.. He's not my type and he's not freaking human ew...'

Beomgyu stored these thoughts aside as he rolled his sleeves up, ready to start cooking.

He started by heating the wok, the sizzle of oil breaking the kitchen silence. Beomgyu's movements were precise as he took care of the rice, cracked the eggs, added meat and tossed in fresh vegetables, a nice little burst of colour against the canvas of the wok.

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