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"So, where did you say your mushroom stash was," I asked Fundy. He continued to drag me through the forest in an unknown direction, making me wonder if he even knew the area he hid them in. "I think it is this way? Maybe a bit more north from here." Fundy finally answered me, allowing me some insight.

I kept at a jog beside him slightly, making sure to keep up. He sure was speeding up a bit as we dashed through these trees. "Fundy, could you slow down?" He looked side to side, looking and searching. Eventually, he did slow down. Our pace was now lessened to a steady walk. 

On our search, we dug up a hornet's nest in the ground, found a deer sleeping, and even saw a tree fall over on what Fundy thought was his stash. "Oh, well that's not my stash. I never put things in the trees," he remarked as we passed a hollowed out tree.

Fundy and I walked beside each other. I believe it had already been half an hour searching and we haven't found his stash. 

I looked over at the fox hybrid as we walked and saw him glancing at his communicator for the time every few minutes. Maybe he was just tracking the time to make sure it doesn't get too late? Yes, that is probably the reason. It honestly would suck to be stuck out here at night with mobs spawning everywhere.

"Here, let's stop here," Fundy said as he sat down on a big boulder. I glanced at him and nodded slightly, then sat on a fallen tree. Once again, he looked down at his watch, making me curious. 

"Hey Fundy," I said, getting his attention "Why are you checking your watch so much?" This gained his attention and he immediately started to dust it off. "Oh, I just don't want it to get too late. Eret would kill me if I returned you attacked by mobs." He chuckled and kept his head low, not looking at me directly.

The sun was still high in the sky, but it would soon be dipping down to the land. "Hey Fundy-" I was caught off by sounds. It sounded like slow crunching or steps? I'm guessing it's just another deer because we've already seen so many along the way.

Fundy looked at his watch again then looked up at me. His gaze wavered at me, behind me, then back at me. I was confused by what he was looking at, so I went to turn my head. "Wait! No, don't scare it away!" Fundy yelled and got my attention again.

"So it's a deer," I said, questioning what was behind me. Fundy's face contorted in a nervous and guilty complexion. "No! It's not!" Fundy blurted that out so suddenly with a guilty, sad tone.

Hands wrapped around my face and I finally understood. This was no mushroom stash finding. He did this on purpose!

I grabbed the hands that were constricted around my face as Fundy watched with wide, guilt filled eyes. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Y/n!" Fundy covered his face as I lost vision to a hand. 

By now, I was standing and squirming around to get the unknown hands off. Everything was dark and I kept tripping over my own feet, the log, and whatever else. My breath was deleting quickly and I was panicking. 

Another pair of arms grabbed my legs and I was lifted into the air, into someone's arms. They held me tightly, but shit they weren't doing a great job. I kicked around angrily for my last time and heard whining when I got them right in the leg.

And finally... nothing.

It seems unfortunate things happen to me so much. 

How unlucky.

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