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I woke up today, got some breakfast with Tubbo and Ranboo, said bye to Michael and started on my way to the White House with Tubbo.

It was a quiet walk until Tubbo spoke up.

"So what plants are you gonna put in the garden?"

I thought about this for a second. Maybe some roses and strawberries, along with other plants of course.

"I think I'll do a lot of roses and some strawberries. Then I'll put different species in."

"I love roses!"

You smile and continue your walk.

Eventually, you make it and head towards the greenhouse.

"See ya in the afternoon y/n! I'll be outside making festival games."

"Okay! Bye Tubbo, have fun!"

You walk into the glass room and get to work.

I walk to my supply wall and grab some rose seeds, along with strawberry seeds too.

I kneel down near the main largest window and dig the dirt with my mini shovel. Once a little hole it formed, I drop in a few rose seeds and continue the rows. Once at the end of the row, I walk towards the East brick wall and continue with the strawberry seeds. 

Once done placing them all, I stand up and put them away in my shelf box. I grab my watering tin and go to the house spicket on the wall to fill it up. 

The water floods in crystal clear from the result of me deep cleaning it. It fills the top and I turn the nozzle off.

Walking over to both rows, I water the ground where the seeds were buried. They are special seeds, so they will sprout in a few days.

I put my water tin down and look at the area. What it's missing is seating areas and furniture.

So, I decide to make some!

I walk outside, pushing the glass doors of the outer side open. I walk to the woods with my trusty diamond axe and start chopping away at a tree. It timbers down and I start hacking a bench out of it.

*hours later*

Okay! This looks pretty dang good! Just need to bring it inside and we'll be all set!

I pick up the bench easily and bring it over to the door. I fiddle to reach the knob with any hands, but I do and open the door right up.

I walk in with the bench and set it against the south wall so you have full vision of the greenhouse and scenery outside bathed in the sun.

I sit down and grab my watch out. It around noon so I still have more time to work. Well I should eat my lunch. I walk over to the supply wall and notice just then.


I groan to myself. Maybe I'll just go back to the house and get my lunch. Yeah, I'm sure Schlatt wouldn't mind. It'll be really quick.

I walk out the door and through the dewy grass. I get to the stone pebble trail in front of the White House and start my way down it.

The biomes change as I jog past different sceneries and buildings. They become less visible as I make my way through.

I finally make it to the snowy biome I'm staying at and reach the house. I turn its doorknob and walk in, going over to the kitchen and grabbing my bagged lunch.

I wonder if Michael's doing anything.

"Hey Michael! You in your room buddy?"

Hm usually he replies with a little snort or come out running up to me.

Something feels off. Very wrong.

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