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The afternoon was fine. Technoblade, Eret and I chatted a bit and made up a list. The list had people's names on it, and the top was labeled: The Obssessed.

The names on it were:















I look up at Techno with furrowed brows. 

"Techno. Niki, Bad, Fundy, and Phil aren't obsessed with me... why would you put them there?"

He looked up at me and set down the ink pen. 

"For Niki, she's suspicious. For Fundy, I could see him going nuts all alone. Bad has been talking to the egg about you. And for my own father... he won't stop talking about you as well."

I frowned and sat back in my chair. 

"Well shit."

Eret nodded and crossed his arms.

"What are we gonna do? Kill them?" I asked. Honestly, let's not kill anyone. I still care a little for them, it's just they are crazy.

"Nah...let's not kill anyone today y/n. Maybe just keep you away from them."

I shrugged my shoulders and think for a moment.

"How would we do that? They'll find her eventually." Eret said before I could speak.

"True, true. Hey Techno, you think you can teach me to.. fight?"

He looked down at me and grinned.

"Hah, sure! Why not? I think that'd be good, keep them in their places."

I smirked and nodded. 

An hour passed and I went outside in the courtyard. Techno was waiting there and had 2 swords on his belt. He unhooked one and threw it to me.

I caught it and latched it onto my belt. 

"Ok, step one. Never take your eyes off the opponent. You never know when they could ambush you."

I nod and listen to him. We then practice some moves and I nail them perfectly.

He rests his chin on his fist for a second, thinking.

"So, I know you have some abilities. What exactly are they?" He asks, arm falling back to his side.

I think for a moment and look down at my hands.

"I can, uh... make things grow, I got a tail, can heal people, and I think I turn into some kind of demon looking thing."

He chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Yeah I know. Remember you punched me at the festival?"

I gasp and nod my head.

"Oh crap! I remember, sorry about that. So, I'm guessing you saw it?"

"Yep. Does it just come to you or can you summon it?"

"I dunno, sorta just came to me when I got angry."

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