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I looked around, the room had 2 windows. I kinda didn't want to sit still. I wanted to get up and find Tubbo. I wonder if he's alright.

Hopping off the bed, I run over to a window and shimmy it open slowly. Sliding out the window, I drop on the ground and sprint into the forest.

You walked for a while and eventually made it to a clearing you never saw before.

Without thinking, you walked right into a trap. Your foot was launched high up, making you dangle upside down from a rope.

"Ah well that sucks."

You could hear chatter and footsteps coming near. You struggled to reach the rope before the people arrived in the clearing. Who knows, it could be enemies.. or even the dream team. I hope not.. The bushes moved and out came a pair of people. Oh, it was Tommy and Wilbur.

"Oh hello there, can you get me down please?"

Tommy snickered and I shot him a nasty glance.

"Don't you laugh Tommy, I could whoop your ass if I was down!"

He continued to snicker as Wilbur came over and fiddled with the rope, you dropping on the floor backwards.

Wilbur offered his hand down and I took it, getting myself up and dusting off.

Now I looked at Tommy. He was petrified and started running as I chased him around.

"Come here gremlin child!"

He screamed like a little kid and hopped behind Wilbur.

I crossed my arms and stood in front of him.

"Give the child or die."

Tommy whimpered as Wilbur grabbed him and handed him over to me. Tommy looked at him, betrayal in his face.

"Nice doing business."

Wilbur watched as I beat the shit out of Tommy, trying not to laugh his ass off.


Wilbur just stood there and laughed at your foolishness.

Tommy died on the floor as you looked up to Wilbur with a serious face, dusting your hands off.

"Do you know where Tubbo is?"

Wilbur nodded his head.

"Yes, you wanna see him?"

"Yes please."

Wilbur walked over to Tommy and lifted the exaggerating child off the ground, carrying him over his shoulders.

We all trudged through the woods and came upon a ravine. Wilbur neared a opening and walked in, guiding me through.

It was a big ravine with rooms in it. Wilbur walked in one and dropped Tommy on a bed. 

We walked out again and came to another room. He opened the door and I saw Tubbo laying there.


He looked up at me as Wilbur stayed at the doorway, watching the both.

I ran over to Tubbo's bedside and Tubbo's eyes teared up.


Both of you hugged each other, holding each other close.

You looked over Tubbo. Half his face and body was scarred.

You cupped his cheek.

"Oh what did they do to you honey."

Tubbo looked up at your shimmering e/c eyes, reflecting light from the torches. 

"I saw you before I respawned y/n. What-What did they do to you? I'll kill them if they touched you!"

You shushed him.

"Nothing you need to worry about Tubs. Just get some rest, okay?"

"But I wanna see you more!"

"Nuh uh uh. You need to rest."

You pushed his shoulder down on the bed, keeping him laid down. Dragging the blanket over him, he watched you leave with Wilbur soon after.

You walked with Wilbur down the ravine, stopping at another room with a couch and kitchen. You walked in with Wilbur and sat down on the couch.

He walked to the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge.

"Want anything dear?"

"Oh no I'm okay."

Your eye felt off. You touched around it. Felt fine.

"Wilbur, is something on my eye?"

Wilbur turned around and looked shocked. He rushed over and looked at your eye.

"What!? What wrong?"

"I-It's all black and a bit red y/n."

You blinked your eye a few times. On the fifth time, it turned back normal.

"What about now?"

"It's good."

You sighed and sat back. Wilbur sat beside you and looked up at you.

"Anybody tell you you're pretty?"

You blushed and covered your face.


He chuckled and put and arm around you, bringing you over to him.

"It's true though!"

Wilbur grinned and looked over at your face. He leaned his head on your shoulder as you sat there like a manikin.

Tommy padded in the room with a suspicious look.

"Oh there you are y-n, HEY HEY HANDS OFF WIBLUR!"

Tommy rushed over and tackled Wilbur, freeing me from his hold. I scooted away from the rumble as they wrestled each other.

Eventually they stopped but I had my eyes closed, chilling In the corner of the couch. Tommy wiggled over to you and stared at you before Wilbur bonked him on the head.

They glared at each other before Tommy looked away and sat right next to you. A bit to close. Then you felt him lean on you with a big goofy smile.

"You wanna go get fish?"

You opened your eyes and looked at the goofball.

"Uh- sure?"

"I'm coming then!" Wilbur blurred out.

"What why!?"

"Because your too immature and get lost."


You giggled and patted his head.

"It's okay, you'll hit puberty soon buddy."

Tommy screeched and said a whole bunch of inaudible squabbles.

You and Wilbur just sat there until he shut up.

"Okay come on!" Tommy got up quickly and dragged you away. Wilbur trailed behind and kept watch on the two. He didn't want Tommy too close to her. Y/n was his and only his!

All of you exited the ravine and Tommy ran through the forest, dragging you along. He stopped at a river and looked at it. It was a clear water river with packs of fish swimming through.

"Wow it's so pretty!"

Tommy grinned.


He started to sprint and jumped right in, scaring some fish away. He randomly grabbed fishing nets out and threw me one.

Wilbur watched from a rock as you both talked.

"Alright, let's fish!"

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