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It was in the middle of the night when Ranboo woke up. He felt something was off, so he got up and looked around a bit. Nothing seemed out the ordinary. He went to check on Michael then.

But when he walked in, Michael was gone. He wasn't in his bed or anywhere in his room.

Ranboo ran to Tubbo's room and shook Tubbo awake.

"Tubbo! Tubbo! Michael's gone! I can't find him!"

Tubbo sat up alert and panicked.

"W-What do you mean you can't find him!?"

"He's not in his room!"

Tubbo got off the bed and ran through the hall and looked through Michael's room. Ranboo was right, he was missing.

Tubbo started panicking and looked through the whole house with Ranboo. He wasn't near the fireplace, wasn't outside, not in his room. Where was he!?

Tubbo was having a panic attack on the couch with Ranboo comforting him slightly when an idea came in his mind.

"Did you check y/n's room?"

"No.. why?"

"I don't know, let's go check."

Tubbo and Ranboo walked down the hallway and stopped at the familiar door.

Ranboo very quietly twisted the handle and opened the door slowly. He peeped in and saw the most adorable scene in his life. 

What Ranboo? What's in there?"

Ranboo moved a bit so Tubs could see.

Michael had came in and snuggled up against y/n. Her arm around him as Michael snuggled his face into the crevice of her neck.

It was truly a sight to see, and a cute on at that.

Ranboo sighed and slightly closed the door. Still keeping it open a bit so he could look at y/n.

She was so peaceful sleeping, how her h/l hair flowed over the blankets and pillow. How her breathes were shallow and calm. It made his heart really skip a beat at the sight.

"Ranboo, you good?"

Ranboo looked away, embarrassed he was caught looking at her. He covered his face in his palms and crouched against a wall.

"Hey what's wrong boo?"

Ranboo sighed and looked up at Tubbo.

"I been feeling different for the past few days, like when I see her, I feel weird..."

"What do you mean, weird?"

"I mean I- sigh-"

Ranboo has a chat with Tubbo how he feels, trying to get the right words and not come off bad.

"B-But when I'm near her, I feel like I really want her. Like, I need her. I know it sounds a bit weird..........but it's true..."

Tubbo calculated everything he said and grinned. So Ranboo was feeling the same he was.. hmm. Maybe they could work some things out then huh.

"Well Ranboo, I feel the same way too. Maybe we could work together on this hm?"

Ranboo looked less nervous now, him standing up and facing Tubbo.

"Yeah, we could. I'd really love her to stay.."

They both looked through the cracked door at the sleeping y/n and Michael. 

Big grins spread across their face like butter. They were up to something.

Something not good..

Yandere! DSMP x reader (fem)Where stories live. Discover now