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Walking out the door, you met with Tubbo in the hall. Your head hung low and you were shaking a bit. This gave Tubbo enough evidence to ask if you're alright.

"Is everything alright y/n? I heard commotion in there.."

You sniffled and walked over to him.

"I-I'm fine.." which was a lie and Tubbo knew it.

"No your not, what happened?" He asked concerned.

"Schlatt he threatened me.. -sob- a-and I was so scared."

He sighed and gave you a comforting hug. You hugged him back and stayed like that for a moment as he said comforting things, 'it's okay' 'I wouldn't let anyone hurt my friend'.

You let go of him and backed up. He then immediately noticed your tail. His eyes went wide and his mouth opened into a o shape.

"You have a tail?!"

You chuckled a bit and with the bit of strength in your tail, moved it up as much as you could before grabbing it and showing him.

"Oh your hurt...... come on I'll get some bandages."

He dragged you through the halls and went into a room with a ton of chests. He opened one and grabbed out a roll of bandages and gauze.

Sitting you down, he gently wrapped your tail and finished in a little bow.

"So uh he told me to ask you or Quackity to inform you of my job."

He shook his head.

"Yeah. First let's get you a suit."

He walked over to another chest and rummaged through it before grabbing out and tossing a nice black suit towards you.

You caught it in one hand and made your way to a bathroom to change. You peeled off your old clothes that were choppy and ripped up and put them aside in a tidy pile. You put on the suit, and adjusted your little bow tie. 

Unlike Tubbo, you had a bow tie, which you really liked. Bow ties were cool.

You made your way out and greeted Tubbo. He then explained your duties which were mostly missions, protecting, and community service, and if you had any specialties, then that too.

You nodded and looked down with a frown. You really didn't want to do this.

He saw this while the both walked and grabbed your hand, making you look up at him.

"It's okay, we have each other so nothing can stop us!"

You smiled and said yup before looking back forward at the forest.

"Say Tubbo, where are we going?"

He hummed and looked at you.

"We're meeting some friends of mine. Best to now some people when you'll be here."

"Are they nice?"


He was such a chipper person with such a enthusiastic and happy mood. You liked this kid. You hoped to become good friends with him.


You reached a large castle and you both entered its large gates. He directed you through the maze of stone walls until you could hear chatter up ahead in the hall.

Before turning the corner towards the people Tubbo spoke up.

"Eret is that you!"

You both turned the corner and met with 2 people. One was wearing a white blouse, red cape with white fluffy edges, a crown, and looked like a literal king to be honest.

The other had a suit on and was very tall. They were half white and half black with a red eye and green eye. They wore a crown and had pointed ears and a tail, once again split between white and black.

"Oh hey there Eret and Ranboo, I'd like you to meet my new friend y/n!"

They looked over at me and Eret smiled.

"Nice to meet you!" Eret said.

"Hi there I'm guessing Eret?"

"Yup, and this is Ranboo."

He turned to Ranboo as the tall hybrid was looking quite shy and nervous. Maybe he was a nervous to meet new people. Yeah, probably.

"Umm h-hi."

You giggled and looked up at the tall person.

"Hello shy boy!"

He smiled a small smile and looked relieved. Maybe he thought you'd be mean. Nahhhh!

But really, the truth behind it. He thought you were so cute. With your adorable tail and sparkling eyes, he wanted to be with you for reasons he didn't know.

Tubbo turned to you and smiled.

"You want a tour? Ooo oo wait! Ranboo she should meet Michael!"

Ranboo hummed while he kept staring at you. This freaked you out a bit. Was he okay??

"You good Ranboo?" You asked being gentle not to scare him. He seemed like a timid person.

"Oh! Yep I'm fine."

He snapped out of his daze of looking at you and replied to Tubbo.

"I think that would be nice. I'll go get Michael."

He walked away as you watched him disappear into the halls, leaving you with Eret and Tubs.

"Who's Michael?"

Tubbo turned to you with a big smile.

"It's me and Ranboo's child we adopted. He's such a cutie!"

"Hm then I'll be happy to meet him!"

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