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Ranboo looked down at Dream with so much hate and fear. 

"Dream, please."

Dream clutched y/n close and smiled beneath his mask. He chuckled sinisterly. 

"Aw, is Ranboo begging now? What a pity."

Ranboo clenched his teeth as shaky breathes flew from his mouth.

"No Dream, I'm not. You better let her go." Said Ranboo in a threatening tone.

Dream watched as Ranboo stood silently as y/n shuffled. Her tail had wrapped around Dream's leg, making Ranboo look down in utter disbelief.

"Y/n. Y/n, wake up please." Ranboo said towards her as she once again shuffled.

She opened her eyes and looked up at Ranboo with a content smile.

"Hey Ranboo..."

Then her eyes went big. She just realized it. If Ranboo was there, then who was behind her?

Her breathing sped up as she slowly turned her head around. She looked up and saw the smiley face that lurked in her dreams. 

Y/n quickly tried to get up, but to no avail, Dream gripped her tightly and held her in place. She flared around in his hold, tears pricking her eyes. 

Dream only chuckled and leaned down to her ear.

"It's good to see you again dear."

Her heart pounded from outside her chest, fear draining into her as Ranboo stood in panic.

"Dream let her go!"

Y/n's tail unwrapped and snuck around to Dream's neck. Ranboo watched as it gently wrapped around his neck snuggly. 

Dream just looked confused at the sudden silence and lack of motion.

Then y/n choked him with her tail, which made him release her. His hands went up to his neck and plucked her tail off. But it was too late, she was out and hiding behind Ranboo.

Ranboo stood in front of her protectively with a beyond angry face.

Dream stood up and glared at Ranboo, occasionally looking at the small frame behind Ranboo.

"Go Dream. Go and don't you think of returning."

Dream sneered and went near to the exit, Ranboo shuffling away from his every step with y/n behind him.

He looked back once more and then went through the hole in obsidian. Dream swam away and made his way back to his base.

Ranboo looked back at y/n, who at the moment, was clutching onto his shirt.

He turned to her and saw her doe like eyes look up at his. Unexpectedly, she tackled him in a hug.

Ranboo smiled and hugged her back, breathing in her sweet scent. It calmed his nerves and he relaxed to her touch.

She let go as Ranboo began to speak.

"We're going somewhere else, okay?"

She looked up at him with a perplexed look.

"Just.. come on."

Y/n came over to him as he helped her up into the open hole. She swam out and reached the land as he came up too.

He held her hand and started dragging her through the forests. Eventually, they came upon a gorgeous and huge castle. It had rainbow stained glass and a rainbow flag on it. 

Y/n's eyes sparkled at it with astonishment. Ranboo looked back at her and smiled. 

They continued to walk and came into it.

"ERETTTT!! YOU HOMEE!!" Ranboo yelled, it echoing through the halls.

Footsteps sounded near the steps and down came Eret in his long red cape and shining gold crown.

"Ah! Hello Ranboo. Hi y/n!"

Y/n smiled at him.

"Hi Eret, how are you?"

"I'm doing great! What brings you 2 here?"

Ranboo walks to him and whispers to Eret. Y/n just chills in the background. She walks over and touched a few decorative things.

Eret and Ranboo stop talking and look over at her.

"So Dream is after her?" Eret whispered to Ranboo.

"Yeah, so can she stay here for a while? I need to keep her safe." He whispered back.

Eret sighed and stared at Ranboo.

"Ranboo, you get she can keep herself safe?" He whispered.

Ranboo glared at Eret and crossed his arms.

"Just keep her here Eret." He whispered back to Eret.

Eret sighed and nodded his head.

"Alright, fine."

Eret walked over to y/n. She turned around and smiled.

"Hey y/n. You'll be staying here for a while, is that alright with you."

She nodded her head.

"Yeah I'm fine with it."

Eret smiled and held onto her hand.

"Alright then I'll show you the room you'll stay in."

Ranboo looked back at y/n as she was being dragged up the stairs.

Y/n looked back as Ranboo waved.

"Bye y/n, be safe!"

Y/n watched as he left and Eret guided her through many, many hallways.

He stopped at a door and opened it, revealing a huge bedroom with red decor that looked quite expensive.

Eret brought y/n in and let go of her hand.

"Here you are y/n. If you need anything, just call."

Eret went to the doorframe and waved before disappearing away.

Y/n walked around and looked outside the huge window. The sun was melting towards the land as the moon rose with cool colors.

She yawned and stretched her right arm. Y/n looked at her broken arm and sighed sadly. 

She walked over to the bed and slid into it, getting comfortable and began to think.

Thinking about everything. What had happened, what Ranboo and Tubbo still did. She couldn't believe they would do that. 

At least she was away for now, not stuck in a small room or locked to a bed. She would have to avoid her dear old friends, even though it would be hard. She trusted them a lot, but it just broke her heart.

Y/n looked out the window as her eyes fell into a deep slumber.

Good night..

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