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I looked down at Eret and he looked at me back. My eyes were wide with shock. I just don't understand how a bird man can be a grandpa to a fox. 

Fundy walked to Phil and sat right next to him. I looked over at them. "Um, hey Phil?" He looked at me and smiled. "Yes Y/n?" I nervously looked around for a moment but decided to ask him anyways. 

"How is it you're his grandpa. I mean- I don't mean to be mean, but how?" Phil chuckled a bit and sat back. "Wilbur, as you know, is my son and this is Wilbur's son." He stated clearly to me, yet it didn't make sense. Wilbur was a dad? Since when and he isn't a fox.

"Wh- how... just how.." I say with the most questionable face ever. Eret snickers beside me and I whacked him in the head. "Shush!" I whispered to him. Techno decided to speak up now.

"Wilbur gave birth to Fundy in a cave with his toe. Yes Y/n, he was born from Wilbur's toe." I couldn't help but stifle a snicker. "Alrighty that's a way to be born. But why is he a fox?" Fundy crosses his legs and smiles a bit. "I'm just born cool."

I smile a bit and walk over to him, shoving the 2 over so I could squish into the couch too. "Hey!Hey!Hey!" Fundy remarked as Phil was crammed into the couch side. "Oh quit your whining!" I say as I pushed him to Phil. I finally got some space and sat in the squished corner of the couch. 

Fundy frowned at me so I looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh come on. You're not that squished." He whined a bit and crossed his arms. 

Eret looked over at me and then began the hours of talking between our group. Eventually, when the sun started dipping, Phil and Techno had to leave. 

"Wait! Wait, Techno, I need to say bye!" Phil struggled as Techno dragged him out of the castle. "Wait!" He yelled as he flapped his wings in Techno's face. Techno grunted in frustration and let go of Phil. "Be quick!" He remarked as he crossed his arms.

Phil ran over to the library and sprinted over to me, enveloping me in a big hug. His wings wrapped around me and holy shat was this a comfy hug. "Bye magpie! If you wanna visit, come over anytime!" Phil gave me a peck on the forehead then scurried back to Techno, who was starting to leave.

I stood there half confused by the nickname and everything. I don't think he's allowed to do that cause Techno would yell at him. I looked over at Fundy, who was the only one left in the room, and smiled a bit.

"So you're staying?" I asked as I walked back over and sat across from him. Eret wasn't currently here, so he was the only one to chat with. Fundy nodded as I watched his tail wag slowly. I thought that was kinda cool.

"How has the outside world been?" I sat back in the plush chair and awaited his answer as he thought for a moment. "Eh, could have been better. Schlatt's still president with Quackity beside him. Dream, George, and Sapnap are chilling together. I think Niki got depression now. And I... have not... seen my dad.." I nodded. About time that avocado ass smiley bitch relaxes and leaves me alone. 

"Niki is sad?" Even though she may be one of them, she was so kind to me. I can only ponder how she is doing. "Yeah. Nobody knows why, but she is." I nodded in understanding. 

"What have you been up to. I mean, other than watching people in forests." That made both of us laugh a bit. "Well... just stuff.. nothing much." That by far was the best ever answer in the world of answers.

I took a moment to think. "Do you need any help finding your room?" I asked. Fundy shook his head in response and said ", No, I'll be fine. But before I head up, can you help me find my mushroom stash. I forgot where I left it in the woods and it's getting dark.. and.. yeah."

"Mushroom stash? Well, okay. We have to hurry though, it's getting dark quickly. Fundy nodded and got up, coming over to me with a smile. "Great, let's hurry up!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room through the castle. "Wait, I should tell Eret where I'm going." 

Fundy looked back at me and waved a hand. "Oh no, it's okay. I told him before." Wait, he did? I don't remember that.

He ran out of the castle with my hand in his. "Okay, I think it's this way." He ran a direction into the woods with me as I was just dragged around in search of a mushroom stash. So.. fun?

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