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"How about some f/b/f today? I know you said you liked that, so might as well have some." I looked over at Eret and nodded a bit, leaning on the stool I was, tempting it to fall over. "Yeah, I think that would be nice. Hey Eret, isn't Techno coming over today? Like each month and all."

She looked up at me and gave a gentle smile, nodding her head slightly. A cup and towel were in their hands as she dried dishes. "Yeah. I think he will be here around noon or so." Eret replied, eyes lying on their chore. 

I hummed a bit and hopped off my chair. My feet hit the kitchen's floor as I walked around, gathering some things to make f/b/f. Eret was just about done cleaning and drying the dishes, aiding me now. 

Eret and I gathered the ingredients and supplies then started. Once we finished, there were dishes stacked in the sink once more. She looked over at the pile and sighed, a small chuckle ending it. 

"Well. At least we have food, am I right?" She remarked, sliding a plate to me on the countertop. I sat on the stool and grabbed it, dragging the plate over. I picked my utensil up and started to dig into my favorite breakfast food. Eret did so as well and sat beside me on a stool, enjoying the meal.

The morning was nice, a slight chill, but nice. I think It may snow soon and we will be able to enter to winter. Fall was nice, but I think I'm ready for some real cold. I would be able to stay in a comfy blanket, have hot coco, and make little cookies. Well, Eret already does that for fun just about every week.

Once I finished my plate of food, I put it away in the sink.  Eret was done soon after me and did the same. Both of us had some friendly small talk and walked through the castle. 

I entered their crafting room and went over to the desk, picking up the latest cape. "It's looking good Eret." I complimented as I marveled her creation. Eret strode up beside me and nodded a bit. "Thanks." I set the cape down as she sat down at the desk. 

For the next few hours, we talked and I helped her finish up the project. When we did finish, I forced Eret to wear it, and which she did. I helped her put it on and moved her back to take a look. A mile painted my lips as I clapped my hands a bit. "Oh It's so pretty. Here, you gotta see it." 

I gripped Eret and dragged them over to the full length mirror, letting her see. Eret also had the same expression as me. She smiled and had a little excitement. 

Then she took it off and put it away to get cleaned some time later. We then walked out and had our noon tea (or whatever beverage you like) and cookies. Eret had some herbal tea and sipped on it as we laughed about a joke I had made.

"Wouldn't Techno be here by now?" Eret questioned to me, setting her cup down on the tray. That did make me wonder a bit. Usually by now he would be here. "Yeah, he should be. Oh well, he might just be a bit late." Eret nodded a bit and lifted her cup, taking another sip. 

This day was mellow as we sat around and enjoyed it. Then about an hour after noon, we heard some footsteps near the main entrance. Both of us could hear it and joined up, walking to the main room.

When we entered, we saw Techno. But also was Phil. I had met him during the festival and called him Mr.Bird. Honestly, It was kinda hilarious if I do say so myself. 

"Techno! Phil! How are you guys?" Eret said cheerfully, greeting them both. I just stood back a bit, looking at Phil. He was on the list, and so I knew to be weary of him. 

If Techno brought him I swear I will have a pleasant chat with him about it. "Techno." I said, catching the piglin's attention. He looked over and let Eret and Phil chat. I motioned for him to come over, and so Techno did. When he came close enough, I started whispering. 

"Why is Phil here? I thought you said he was on the list." Techno sighed a bit and nodded, glancing to make sure that his father wasn't looking over. "He is. But... he found out you were here by Sapnap and George, so he wanted to visit. And we need to also talk about those two as well." I nodded a bit at this information. I did need to have a chat about the 2 intruders with Techno.

We both looked at the 2 chatter bugs as Techno cleared his throat, making them stop talking. Their gazes came over to us and Phil got his wings all fluffed up. "Oh Y/n! How are you! You seemed healthy and happy, that's nice." The older man skipped over to me with a toothy smile, looking over at me like a parent would.

Phil went and reached out to pat me on the head, and Techno allowed it just that once. "Well. It's nice to see you again kiddo." He chirped happily. I couldn't help but see Eret look at him with some weird facial expression as she stood in the background. 

"Good to see you again.. Phil." I mumbled a bit. Techno stood beside me tall as Eret came back over, talking again with Eret. I turned my head and glanced up at Techno, sharing a message with just my eyes. 

Techno nodded his head a bit in a gesture towards Eret, so I got the idea. "Hey, hey. Phil, could I borrow Eret from you for a minute? Feel free to explore a bit." Phil nodded and let Eret come with Techno and I. We walked away into the castle, leaving Phil behind. 

Our group of 3 entered Eret's meeting room and locked the doors behind us. I stood over the center table and looked as the other two situated themselves. 

"So, let's talk." Eret said, motioning for our discussion to begin. "Ok. First of all Techno, why'd you bring Phil. I thought you said he was on the list and wouldn't shut up about me." Techno grumbled a bit and ran a hand through his pink hair.

"I know, I know. Let me explain." Techno took a breath and began to tell me how it's been going with Phil. "You see Y/n, my dad has been trying to find ways to see you. I don't know why, but he is also talking about you nonstop. Just the other day I found him on the trail far from our homes."

I looked down at the table and took this information in as Eret spoke. "Why was he out that far? Aren't you trying to keep him at home?" Techno glanced over at me, then Eret. "Yes, but I was getting wood. Somehow he slipped out while I was doing so." 

This time, I spoke up. "What was he doing there? Any ideas guys?" We all were silent for a moment, just looking around the room. "You guys know Sapnap and George told him, so... that may be what he was doing out there." Eret and I nodded our heads in agreement to what he said. That definitely could be the reason.

"So, what happened with them?" Techno asked. "Well they ordered me to come in and then Sapnap got angry at me for not telling them if Y/n was here and started attacking me. Y/n came in and threw a spear near his head, scaring them off. I don't think they'll be coming back anytime soon..." Eret shuffled a bit, glancing at me with a soft smile.

"I think that's all we have to talk about for now. Shouldn't keep Phil waiting." I said, starting to walk to the door. I unlocked it and opened it. The 2 then followed me as we searched around for Phil, eventually finding him in the library. He was reading a book on a couch. 

He noticed we walked in and gave a bright smile, his wings ruffling again. "Have a god chat?"

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