Allgante: The Entrance of Grandeur

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The room remained hushed as Lady Selene continued to marvel over Raven's transformation. An air of uncertainty settled over Raven as she fought the urge to fidget under her elegant tutor's inquisitive gaze. "Oh, how exquisite, I must say," the Lady murmured, stepping closer to Raven. "You remind me so much of my days of youth." Her touch, feather-light on Raven's cheek, held a hint of wistful longing "Now, let us add one final touch." The Lady's voice carried a soft enchantment as she traced a delicate pattern on Raven's forehead. A. Raven shivered as a chilly wind flowed gently over her face. "There," Lady Selene said with a smile. When she withdrew her hand, a tiny crescent moon glimmered under the lights.

Marcellus emerged from behind them, in a deep, regal purple almost bordering on obsidian, adorned with accents of shimmering gold. Intricate patterns adorned the sleeves of his jacket, reminiscent of those along the palace walls but unique in their own right. Lacielle, bearing a weighty chest with effortless grace, approached as Marcellus fastened the final button of his attire. Lacielle revealed a stunning grey fur trimmed with accents of pristine white, ensconced in a delicate embrace of golden silk. Draping the garment around his broad shoulders, Marcellus dismissed his attendants with a graceful wave and smile. "Are you ready, my sweets? I shall be your escort tonight."

With unparalleled charm, Marcellus led Lady Selene and Raven, each on one arm, through the line of guards. As they approached the exit, the guards trailed in disciplined formation, their footfalls resonating with the rhythm of a hallowed march. No one spoke as they navigated the changing halls of Amber Palace. Raven had no sense of direction, yet the faint strains of distant melodies and tantalizing aromas were like a guide to their path. Abruptly halting, Marcellus tenderly squeezed Raven's hand, and whispered, "This is it, my dear. Cast your worries onto me, and let your night be filled with joy. I will be your faithful guide. "With a bow, he kissed her hand and stepped away, and a shroud of darkness vanished, revealing an enchanting grand entrance adorned with tendrils of ivy and blossoms woven through gilded arches. Stairs led downward into the crowd, dressed in elegant gowns and traditional attire. A large banquet table stretched across the gathering, with an elevated table where elders were seated. Raven spotted Lord Xion's decorative throne and seats for Lady Armita and Dante.

Marcellus gracefully advanced, and a resounding trumpet heralded his presence.

"I present to you, Sir Marcellus Regulus Phlox, Chamberlain to Lady Selene of the House of Sedna of the Silver Moon Clan," a regal voice announced, and elegant applause ensued as he descended the stairs.

The melodious resonance of trumpet resounded once more as Lady Selene stepped onto the platform, her long silver gown like cascading water seemed to glow and her black and white fur shawl seemed more radiant with flashes of blue. "I present to you, Lady Selene Argentius Sedna, Daughter of the Silver Moon," the regal voice sounded, and the air was infused with a shower of silver and azure sparkles, a testament to her majesty. Raven watched in awe as Lady Selene, surrounded by her slew of graceful attendants, began to descend the platform, igniting a chorus of adulation and howls from the members of several of the elite.

"I suppose it's my turn," Raven swallowed nervously, stepping forward as the next trumpet sounded.

"I present to you our long-lost fitheach, Raven Ryiasi Alistar, Daughter of our Eternal Moonlight. Welcome her home," The trumpet began a long triumphant note and music commenced, and the crowd began to sing in the old language, a melody sad and familiar to Raven. Uncertainty swirled within Raven, but as she glanced into the crowd, her eyes met Marcellus' and she felt a sense of serene reassurance. With a smile, he extended his hand, signaling her to descend the stairs, each step illuminated with ancient markings, and the crowd gasped at the sight of Raven's radiant descent. Ignoring the intense scrutiny, Raven remained undaunted, she let her heart calm as she descended the stairs with confidence.

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