Lost Without You

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They emerged from the ravine, Raven's body aching from the fall earlier. As they made their way through the dense forest, the branches seemed to target her with precision, smacking against her already tender bruises. She grumbled and complained, her exhaustion weighing heavy on her.

In those moments, she struggled to find the same spark of energy and determination that had carried her through their earlier challenges. Dante was already ahead, leaving her to fight with the brush. Determined to catch up, Raven quickened her pace through the thick woods. But as she pushed aside one branch, another struck her tender bruise, eliciting a sharp cry of pain.

As she stumbled forward, Raven felt the pain radiate from her side up to her shoulder. Her breath caught in her throat, and she was filled with a sense of dread.

I can't breathe!

She felt panic begin to rise But before she could fully process what was happening, Dante appeared at her side, his eyes scanning her for signs of injury.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice calm but urgent.

"You're going so fast.," Raven snapped. "These branches keep hitting me, and I can barely breathe."

Dante sighed before a serious look settled on his face, "I'll adjust, but we must hurry."

Raven felt a pang of embarrassment. Annoyed that she was unable to keep up. She had always prided herself on her independence and resilience, but now she felt weak and vulnerable.

However, as Dante readjusted her bandages with swift, confident movements, Raven calmed down as she felt her body relax. The pain was still there, but now it was manageable.

"Thanks," she muttered, feeling a bit sheepish.

Dante nodded, his eyes softening. "It's my duty."

A moment of silence passed, as Raven was unsure of how to respond to his statement. But soon they continued forward, and Raven felt a renewed sense of determination.

Once again, Dante began his quick pace through the woods. It did seem as if he was being more careful to clear branches away, making a clear path for her to follow, but now her feet began to ache.

Dante resumed his quick pace through the woods, but this time Dante seemed to be more considerate, clearing branches away to make a path for Raven. However, despite his efforts, Raven's feet began to ache, and she fought the urge to stop and rest.

"I'm so sick of this," Raven muttered, smacking her face to swat away an insect that had landed on her cheek. She felt the tingling and itchiness of the new mark on her skin, adding to her discomfort. Dante continued onward, seemingly ignoring her complaints and grumbling.

As Raven struggled to keep up with Dante's increasing speed, her heart rate began to rise. After an hour, she finally let herself fall back, but still kept a close eye on Dante's path. "I guess he's in a rush. He seems super focused," she thought to herself, wondering if he had noticed how far behind she was.

As they journeyed deeper into the woods, Raven couldn't help but be struck by the natural beauty around her. The air was rich with the smell of damp earth and decaying leaves, and the soft rustling of leaves and chirping of birds created a peaceful ambiance. "Oh how wonderful," she thought, slowly taking in the scene around her.

She heard the gentle sound of water flowing beside them as they made their way through the forest, the gurgling reminding her of the simple joys of life. However, as she panted for breath, the sound of water became a tease, reminding her of her thirst and the fact that she hadn't had a drink of water since they started walking. "If only I knew I would be going on a hike," she frowned and rolled her eyes, remembering that she was supposed to be having the time of her life.

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