Crowds, Cake and Confusion

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"Girl, hurry up!" Janice insisted, placing the cup on the closest flat surface. "Let's get you dressed already." Grabbing Raven by the hand, they pushed through the crowded living room and headed to her bedroom. They took a moment to shush a lingering couple who had started to hook up in the hallway. "Ugh, move it somewhere else, people!" she fussed, pulling Raven into her room. "That's one of the annoying things about hosting a party." She flicked the lights before grabbing the perfect shoes from the closet to match the pre-selected outfit arranged on her bed complete with accessories.

"Goodness, Janice. You're three steps ahead of me," Raven grinned, happy that she wouldn't have to take time to pick an outfit for the night.

"Okay, well, I'll leave you to it. Pleeeeease try not to take more than 15 minutes!" Janice begged before leaving the room to return to the party. Raven chuckled to herself as she heard Janice fussing at the couple, who apparently decided to ignore her request for them to take their lovefest elsewhere.

"Okay," she thought, undressing and placing her wild hair in a bun before getting in the shower. "Let's just have a good time." She sighed and closed her eyes as the warm water of the shower hit her back, tempting her to spend an hour letting the water clear her mind. Thoughts of the lingering presence crept into her mind. A chill raced up her spine and her eyes opened, bringing her back to reality. "I'm going to have a good time," she said aloud, quickly finishing her shower, remembering that everyone was waiting for her.

She looked into the mirror, releasing her hair from its constricting bun. She raked her hand through her bountiful curls, twirling the ringlets about to frame her face. Making quick work of her makeup, she rushed to put on her clothes. She fastened her last bracelet and looked into the full-length mirror in her bedroom and smiled, satisfied with her look. The loud rapping of a knock came out of nowhere, startling Raven. "Rayyyy!" Janice burst into the room. "Oh my! You look so beautiful!" She squealed in delight, admiring her friend's beauty. Excited about the party, she grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her toward the music. "Tonight will be a night to remember!" She yelled as they entered the crowd.


Dante growled, looking at the crowd of drunken people dancing and walking around foolishly in the middle of the night. The sound of breaking glass followed by cheers annoyed him more as he watched impatiently from the shadows of the trees across the street. "I might as well join in the fun," he thought sarcastically, as he stepped out of the trees and headed toward the party.

His footsteps left almost no sound as he entered like a shadow into the crowded yard. Leaving but a gentle breeze in his wake as he glided past the guests, too quick for them to really notice that he had passed. "Hmm," He thought with distaste as he inspected a couple glued to each other on a couch in the living room. "Just the type of filth I expect from them." His eyes grazed the room. He could feel her presence but he did not see her. Suddenly he felt a flush of heat spread over his face.

She's coming.

He turned his head sharply as the crowd erupted, singing "Happy Birthday" as loudly as they could, drowning out the music as the guest of honor was pulled to the center of the room. He could hear the sounds of his heart beating like a drum as he laid his eyes on her. "It's her," he thought, as his body was suddenly filled with the urge to go to her.

Taking a deep breath, he gained control of his emotions.

I have to wait.

Keeping to the shadows of the room, he found a spot on the wall and blended into the crowd. He kept his eyes fixed on her, ignoring the women around him hinting that they wanted to dance, or perhaps something more. He frowned, disgusted, turning his attention to the crowd who had just brought out a huge cake. "Make a wish!" the crowd yelled in anticipation as she prepared to blow out the candles.

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