Hidden in the Trees

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Panicking, Raven hurriedly searched for the path, trying to follow the bent branches that marked Dante's trail. Suddenly, she heard Dante's voice calling her name, and the panic began to dissipate. "I'm right here!" she yelled, relieved that she was on the right track. She quickened her pace, eager to catch up to him and feel safe again.

As she was about to move past a heavy branch in her way, she suddenly felt a cool and chilly sensation wash over her body, causing her feet to lift off the ground. She started swaying left and right, unable to control her movements as she floated towards the treetops. "Dante!" she screamed, fear creeping into her voice. "Help!"

As Raven helplessly kicked her legs, she tried to swing her body back towards the forest floor. But the force pulling her up was too strong, and she was slowly rising higher into the trees. Suddenly, Dante burst through the brush and, without hesitation, leaped into the air to grab her floating body. He gently rolled to the ground and pulled her close to his body, ensuring she was unharmed.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice full of panic.

"What was that!?" she trembled in his arms. "I can't fly, can I?" she asked.

"No," he chuckled. "This forest is old and wise. Some creatures have lived in this forest longer than we have both been alive. The tree nymphs are mischievous. They like to mess with people who don't belong in the forest. However," he began to shout. He knew that the nymphs were listening and lingering around. "You are a daughter of this forest, and they would make a big mistake to touch you."

She looked at him as his face twisted into a scowl and his eyes glowed darker. He was upset. She wondered why. As Raven stopped trembling, Dante released his grip on her and they stood up cautiously. He gazed at her curiously, unsure of how to proceed from here. The forest creatures had already started to play, and he wanted to reach their destination as possible.

Raven whispered "Dante," feeling slightly embarrassed that a tree nymph had almost carried her away. "I'm sorry. I'll hold your hand, and I promise not to complain."

A look of relief washed over Dante's face. Without hesitation, he took her hand. "I'm sorry if I move too fast for you, but please bear with me a little longer. I can't let you out of my sight again."

Raven's heart fluttered once more, but this time she refused to let her embarrassment get the best of her. She accepted the fact that she couldn't move forward without Dante by her side.

As the evening sounds echoed through the forest, Raven realized it was almost dark and she was completely out of energy. Her legs felt numb, and she knew they would have stopped moving long ago if it weren't for Dante's constant motion. She had hoped they would reach their destination soon, but the pain in her feet made that hope slip away. Suddenly, Dante stopped, and Raven stumbled forward. He caught her and pulled her closer to him, preventing her fall.

"Oof," she grunted as she collided with his firm body. "Why did we stop?" she asked, curious since they hadn't paused since eating the rabbit. Despite her empty stomach, the pain in her feet and side prevented her from feeling hunger. Dante looked at her intently, his dark eyes filled with concern and intensity, as if they were piercing right through her.

"'Are you okay?" he asked.

Raven wanted to blurt out a million complaints, but she held back. Her side hurt, her feet were done for, and her legs would be sore for days. "Um," she finally said aloud after a long pause. "I'll be OK. I just want to get wherever it is we're going as soon as possible."

Dante could tell by the weakness of her voice that she was done. He felt a twinge of guilt for having pushed her so hard, but as the heir to the pack, it was his duty to protect her and the forest at night was tricky, especially with someone after her. He looked at her with concern, his thoughts turning to the wolf that had almost attacked her. He couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and anger at the thought of failing to protect her. It felt agonizing and he could not understand the feeling. He gazed at her for a few moments more before she finally broke his intense stare.

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