A Brush of Indulgence

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The busy sounds around the terrace were a welcoming distraction for Raven as she did her best to appear composed, despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. The tantalizing smells of meats and other delights tickled her nose, taunting her hunger. Seated at the enchanting table, Lady Armita and Lord Xion engaged in a serious conversation, their acknowledgment of Raven's presence a mere nod. As four graceful servants arrived with covered dishes, a delicate bell chimed, prompting them to unveil the dishes and place them before the guests. A voice announced the beginning of the first course.

"Well, my Lady, you must be famished. I hope everything pleases your palate," Lady Armita cheerfully remarked to Raven as she reached for her cutlery.

As etiquette dictated, everyone started reaching for their cutlery to begin their meal. Gazing at the poached egg poised elegantly on the intricate gold dish in front of her, Raven struggled to recall her posture while selecting the proper utensil. Following Lady Armita's lead, she picked up a dainty spoon.

Observing the practiced technique of others, she noticed that they tapped the egg with the back of the spoon before delicately cutting it into the egg white. "Appears simple enough," she thought, preparing to crack the top of her egg. Smiling at Armita, she raised the spoon, but her fingers fumbled, sending the spoon airborne. Before it could fall, she instinctively caught it, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment, her motion causing a slight tremor on the table. She sensed Dante's smirk but refused to make eye contact, focusing on scooping up some egg. Tasting it carefully, she savored the flavor, dismissing her mishap.

Xion's hearty laughter broke the tension. "Well! Well! Raven, you remain sharp indeed!" Ignoring formalities, he indulged in a generous portion of egg followed by two more, finishing the first course, laughing as those around him struggled to match his pace as etiquette called. "In situations like these, when everyone's eyes are on you, you can follow your own lead. Relax, young Luna, and relish your food." His encouraging smile eased her anxiety, and she finished her egg, less concerned with etiquette, eagerly expecting the next course.


Dante watched curiously, observing Raven's graceful recovery from her spoon incident.

Impressive reflexes, just like us.

He was intrigued, but his amusement gave way to annoyance as he sensed the prying gazes of other prominent families from the nearby terraces. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Despite their private terrace, it was still close enough for the very elite to get an excellent view of their honored leaders. Having always disliked such public events, he hastened to finish his meal, while his grandfather consumed his food greedily. His annoyance grew more as he noticed that several of the daughters of the Red Moon clan were facing him, hoping to catch his gaze. Quickly, he turned his attention to his grandfather.

"Dante knows how important it is to stay sharp in the sacred forest. Your guidance was crucial during the forest journey. I know you have been a perfect guide, have you not, my son?" Xion suddenly directed the conversation to Dante, looking to him for an answer.

Heat rose to Dante's face, recalling the various mishaps during the journey. Wavering slightly, he glanced at Raven, who smirked at his doubt. "Well, I my best considering having to escort someone so difficult and delicate. Like a child to the forest, so clumsy and loud, it was dangerous as she drew much attention to us. We owe our Ancestors for our survival," he replied solemnly. He watched her face as she slowly realized that his serious words were actually teasing her actions in the forest. Before she could respond, the servants arrived with the second course.

The bell rang and they began to lay out an array of assorted artisanal breads that included a selection of freshly baked breads, including rosemary-infused focaccia, honey oat loaf, and lavender sourdough. It was accompanied by a spread of jewel-toned jams, including ruby-red raspberry, deep amethyst blackberry, and golden apricot, served in intricate crystal containers.

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