A Whispered Path

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Raven sat quietly, absently tracing the intricate embroidery on her garments, her nerves getting the best of her. With a sigh, she allowed her worries to creep in, fearing she might forget some of Lady Selene's meticulously taught etiquette lessons. "I really hope I can avoid appearing foolish," she pondered, her mind consumed with uncertainty as she continued to wait in anticipation.

After several minutes of waiting, she couldn't help but begin to pace around the room. It was silent, and the mysterious door was unguarded. Resolving not to panic, Raven stopped in front of the rocky entrance. "I wonder how they get the doors to open on their own," she thought, running her fingers across the intricate patterns carved into the door. The ground trembled beneath her feet, and the door opened effortlessly. "I'll find a bathroom myself and return shortly," she promised herself quietly as she slipped through the door.

Instant regret washed over her as the door rumbled closed behind her, leaving her with no choice but to move forward. The corridor's intricate walls seemed to hypnotize her, creating a labyrinth of lights and passages to explore. Remembering Lady Selena's etiquette teachings, she focused her thoughts on maintaining an upright posture and conveying respect and attentiveness. "Maintain an upright posture, convey respect and attentiveness," she said aloud, mockingly. "Ugh, I should have written everything down." Lost in thought, she continued to wander, trying to recall the etiquette Lady Selene had imparted. As she turned corners and wandered aimlessly, she finally caught the scent of grass. "I must be approaching the terrace," she thought, her anticipation growing. Slowing her pace, she focused on the sound of voices ahead.

"There's no way such an uncouth girl like her could be the true heir of the Moonlight Dynasty," a vaguely familiar voice said. "I will not support this without more proof that she's the real deal."

"Now, now, Lord Tarek. No need to be vocal," another, raspier voice followed. "I doubt any of the high council will openly support a claim to the dynasty without a way to obtain proof."


Raven's heart began to pound, images of the kind of ritual they might perform to get the proof they desired began to flood her mind. Her confidence began to drain as the tones of their voices sounded so full of contempt.Sshe no longer felt she could face Dante and his family. she felt her knees weaken and she let the voices muddle in her mind along with her negative thoughts. She slowly began to sink to the ground. "There's no way I'm going to a dinner with these people!" she thought in a panic.

Just as her anxiety threatened to overwhelm her, she felt a strong set of arms pull her from the wall, their hands expertly grazing her spine, straightening her into a perfect elegant position. Taken aback, she looked close into the face of a man clad in a perfectly tailored pale purple suit, as he exuded an air of familiarity that instantly put her at ease. His hair was short but in large icy ringlets that looked frosty atop his head. "You look to be okay, This way darling." He smoothly led her away from the unnerving conversation that she had unfortunately decided to eavesdrop upon.

He briskly began to lead her down the corridors with ease, his firm grip allowed her to keep up with his quick pace. He suddenly made a quick turn and began to lead her down a new corridor that smelled of grass and fruits. "This one must lead outdoors," she thought as she noticed that they had stopped just as the foliage began to cover the walls of the hallway.

"Now, My dear Luna," he began to adjust her delicate garments. whatever possessed you to wander off alone?" His tone was full mix of concern but his striking blue eyes held an air of playfulness.

"Marcellus?" she asked, certain this was the escort for who she was suppose to wait upon.

With a dazzling smile, he made a sound of delight, "Yessss, my Luna. I am the 'Marcellus'. Your personal escort around the intricacies of the magical Amber City." He made the official hand sign while smoothly dipping in a deep and elegant bow, his hand falling to his side as he rose. "Now my sweet girl, before I lead you out onto the terrace, I want to make sure you remember at least the basics of your little chaotic etiquette lesson this morning."

Raven let out a sigh of relief, happy that Dante decided not to make her go directly to the breakfast without first giving her a chance to review. Pulling a small bottle of par-fume from his coat jacket he quickly gave her a spritz, "Just a little refresher my darling, now pay attention." He placed the bottle back into his jacket before pulling out a handkerchief and began lightly dabbing at her face. "Remember, when you greet Lady Armita, Xion, and Dante, maintain eye contact and a slight bow."

"Okay got it," she said, before closing her lips as he began to apply a lip balm to her mouth. Overhearing the conversation about the Elders not accepting her, Raven felt a pang of fear that Lady Armita and Xion might not accept her either.

"No, no, my Luna. Let whatever you're thinking leave your mind. Focus on nailing the perfect greeting and enjoying a nice breakfast. I know you must be starving," he chuckled, leading her toward the terrace. His strong grip and graceful stride infused her with confidence with each step.

The smell of flowers grew stronger as vines and shrubbery narrowed the path. Just as the walls seemed to close in, glimpses of light and voices emerged. "We're here. This is it, my darling Luna," Marcellus whispered, reassuringly squeezing her arm before stepping forward. Raven moved closer to catch a better view. Suddenly, Marcellus's voice echoed, announcing her arrival, drawing all eyes to her as she stepped into the morning light.

"Ladies and gentlemen, honored alphas, and esteemed guests, I stand before you in a place where the natural world converges with the marvels of civilization. Behold, our Luna of Prophcey, Raven, whose destiny is entwined with the very roots of our existence."

As Marcellus's voice carried on the gentle breeze, his words echoed across the terraces, reverberating through the treetops and reaching those fortunate enough to dine on adjacent platforms.

Amidst the breathtaking view of treetops and ancient architecture, Raven stepped forward, standing in her elegant attire, preparing to greet the Elders. A blush tinged her cheeks as she remembered Lady Selene's teachings. Summoning her courage, she executed the formal greeting with grace, remembering to make eye contact to acknowledge the esteemed presence of the Fireleaf's. Her face flushed as her eyes met Dante's, gracefully executing a perfect formal hand sign and curtsy.

"Greetings, Lady Lady Armita, Alpha Xion, and Dante. May our unity strengthen our packs," she spoke with confidence. Taking her designated seat and ignoring the seemingly political introduction Marcellus was making, she felt a wave of relief wash over her as she realized she remembered the crucial details

The attendants and cooks moved with precision, tantalizing aromas filling the air. Other terraces, filled with socialites, looked on. With Marcellus retreating, Raven found herself absorbing the breathtaking scenery.

The sun had begun its ascent over the enchanting city of Amber, casting a warm golden glow upon the ancient trees before her. The sprawling treetops seemed to stretch toward the heavens, their branches forming an intricate network that Raven figured intertwined with the stone architecture of a labyrinth of hallways and stone doors. She could see other terraces near them but none as high.

A buzz filled the air, for in the periphery, other terraces were abuzz with socialites, their conversations and laughter carrying on the wind, louder now that Marcellus's lavish introduction had ended.

The elegant table setting reflected the grandeur of the floral terrace. Delicate porcelain plates, adorned with ornate patterns reminiscent of the enchanting forest, rested upon pristine linens. Glistening crystal glassware caught the sunlight, refracting it into a mesmerizing dance of colors. Elaborate floral arrangements graced the table, their blooms mirroring the vibrant hues of the surrounding foliage.

The architecture of the terrace itself was a testament to timeless beauty, its design blending harmoniously with the natural world, creating an otherworldly ambiance. She nervously let her attention drift to her esteemed hosts, her heart steady, her pulse aligning with the serene ambiance of the table. She put on her best smile and pushed her shoulders back, attempting to maintain an upright posture. "Okay," she thought, "respectful and attentive. This will be a breeze."

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