Tyranny of Preparations

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Marcellus grabbed Raven's waist, pulling her closer, running his other hand gently up her back, straightening her spine, fixing her posture for the "Twilight Step," the most important dance of the 'Allgante'. She blushed but adjusted and tried to remember this stance for the millionth time as Tyreis, Marcellus' chosen attendant for this session, started the music again. "Don't worry, sweet. You are nearly perfection," Marcellus murmured into her ear before spinning her into the next step. On cue, Tyreis stepped in for the partner change, pulling Raven close as he led them into the first position of the dance. She grinned with pleasure, happy that the partner exchange was seamless. As instructed, Tyreis began to make small talk, as tradition calls; partners were to talk briefly as they danced.

"Now, now, don't be nervous, lovely. For Marcellus can be a bit of a tyrant, and you have accomplished so much in these last few days. He is only now showing his tyrant ways by making you practice up to the last minute." Tyreis rolled his eyes before spinning Raven into the 6th position. "But let your dear feet fret not. If we don't begin readying you for tonight's grand soiree, I fear we may miss it altogether, and all this practicing will be for nothing." Raven smiled, biting back a laugh as Marcellus appeared for the partner change.

Abruptly, Marcellus stopped the dance and signaled for Tyreis to stop the music. "While I do not like being called a tyrant," he looked sharply at Tyreis, who seemed unfazed by his master's look of disapproval, "however, I must admit we must begin your transformation."

"Transformation?" Raven asked as she sat on the nearest chair, removing her practice shoes. She knew today was the day of the event. The last few days had been a pampered hell. Marcellus meticulously criticized her every move and personally oversaw each of her personalized etiquette lessons, becoming her dance instructor with Tyreis chosen as his assistant for the task. She had come to love Tyreis' sarcasm as he was just what Marcellus needed when he became obsessive in his lessons.

"Yes, Transformation, Sweet. Tonight is the night we have been preparing for!" He ran a hand through his purple curls before calling for more attendants. "We must begin before the hour of the party sneaks up on us. Lacielle, my dear?"

"Yes, Master," she said, appearing gracefully, her sheer fabrics flowing around her in a shimmery mass.

"Please see to it that she is made ready for me to supervise her fitting and attire for tonight's affair. I was THOROUGHLY unsatisfied with her appearance from her introductory breakfast, and I refuse to allow a mess to be made over my darling, Sweet again."

"Of course, Master," Lacielle said with a sparkling smile before two other beautiful attendants appeared beside her, and she began quietly instructing them as Marcellus continued to speak.

"Now, Raphhhhhaeel," he called lovingly. "Come now, darling."

A very tall and handsome man with luscious dark braids decorated with golden beads appeared in the doorway. The blue shimmery robe barely covered his chest, and even Raven blushed at his pure handsomeness. His face seemed annoyed, however. "I told you not to call me 'darling', master. It's embarrassing," he said, his voice like a deep caress echoing through the room. He walked forward, interrupting Lacielle, giving her a very sloppy kiss while keeping his eyes mischievously on Marcellus. He stopped and smiled. Lacielle blushed and continued speaking with the attendants as if the exchange had not happened.

"You are to wash and style her hair for tonight. I expect perfection," Marcellus said, unbothered by Raphael's actions. "Save your mischief for after your success. I have been granted permission by the Grand Council and my Lady Selene to personally oversee this preparation. I'll reward you all IF I'm satisfied. Dismissed."

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