A Song of Prophecy

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The rumbling sounds of the door roughly shook the ground. As Raven and Lady Armita broke their embrace, they stood together and took a step inside the chamber. "Amazing," Raven thought, as she marveled at the grand room carved finely out of wood and stone. She couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and awe as she took in the intricate carvings and details of the room.

She watched as if on cue, a group of darkly shrouded people entered the balcony of the room, and feelings of expectancy began to arise in her as they began to ascend from a stairway carved so intricately into the wall that they seemed to be floating down from the rafter. Lady Armita gently guided Raven forward, leading her to the center of what seemed to be a meeting place. The people began to sit in the large seats that surrounded the area.

"I'm going to join my place with the others. Please, don't fret, my dear," Lady Armita squeezed Raven's hand reassuringly before leaving her on the golden floor.

Raven shivered out of nervousness and sat hesitantly in the center of the circle. Filled with golden lacquer, the tiny symbols carved into the floor intrigued her despite her nerves. The symbols seemed to draw her into their hypnotic, rhythmic pattern, calming her racing heart.

"We are the members of the Grand Council of the Elder Moon Clans, and we welcome you to the City of Amber!" a loud voice boomed through the chamber, drawing Raven's attention to the speaker at the center. "I am Aldo, Elder of the Crescent Tribe of the West. I am presiding over tonight's council. Please be seated,"

Raven watched in amazement as all of the council members sat in unison, removing the hoods of their shrouds simultaneously. Despite being clothed in dark shrouds, she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and admiration as she took in their elegance and grandeur.

"Welcome, Lady Raven," said a tall, regal-looking man with piercing blue eyes as he stood and stepped slightly forward before bowing before her. "I am Lord Tarek, a voice of the Clan of the Red Moon in the West."

Raven nodded in acknowledgment, feeling intimidated by his imposing presence. She couldn't help but wonder what the council wanted from her and why they had summoned her to this place.

Next to him, a beautiful woman with long silver hair and emerald green eyes began to speak. "I am Lady Selene, a representative of the Clan of the Silver Moon in the West," she said, giving Raven a warm smile.

One by one, the council members introduced themselves, each one belonging to a different western moon clan. Raven listened intently, trying her best to remember their names and titles. She couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at their power and influence in the world of magic.

After their introductions, Aldo, the presiding elder, motioned with his right hand, and they all stood in unison. Uncertain of what was about to happen, Raven watched as they all raised their hands to their chests, locking their hands together before they began to sing. As the council members lifted their voices in unison, their haunting melody filled the chamber with an otherworldly aura. Raven felt a shiver run down her spine as she listened to the words of an intimate song. This time, the melody was much different and darker, sending a chill through her as their voices rang throughout the room.

Hush, little one, close your eyes

Let the flames dance with the bluest ice

The moonlight rising, bright and strong

Yet, though broken, cursed distant song

Raven sang the last part she could remember along with elders, her mouth seemed to move on is on. As the elders continued to sing the eerie song, vivid memories of her parents running with her through a fiery forest flooded Raven's mind, causing her to shudder.

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