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Ron's urine test results had arrived. Bacterial infection had been detected. Dr. J studied the reports and asked Rosy to prepare his medications. Together, they went to Ron's room. Harry was already there.

Dr. J: So, Ron, had your lunch?

Ron nodded at that. He was very scared of the doctor and the nurses.

Dr. J: Good, now lie down on your stomach.
Ron: Why?
Dr. J: (with a sigh and stern voice) Ron, you will do as you are told. No questions asked. Got it?

Ron nodded fearfully and lied down on his stomach. Harry held down his upper body while Rosy placed the medicine tray near Dr. J and held down Ron's legs. Dr. J removed the cloth covering the tray, revealing the injections. Ron's breath hitched seeing them. He started struggling but was held down more tightly by the nurses.

Ron: (shouting) No... leave me... I don't want injections... leave me... let me go...

Dr. J angrily lifted his gown, pulled down his shorts and gave a quick, harsh swat on his butt.
Dr. J: (angrily) No one has asked for your opinion, get it? Now stop struggling and let me do my work.

Saying this, he started pressing the very butt that he had spanked, trying to find a spot to inject. Once done, he rubbed it with the alcohol wipe. Then he took the syringe and uncapped the needle. He aspirated it and then inserted the needle slowly into Ron's butt. Ron screamed loudly at that. Ignoring his screams, Dr. J started pushing the medicine. The medicine was causing a heavy burning in his butt, which had been spanked twice since morning. The pain was too much for Ron.

Once the medicine was fully injected, Dr. J removed the needle and rubbed the spot hard. He then bandaged the spot and started inspecting his other butt for the next injection. Ron was crying heavily, but remained quiet as he did not want to endure another spank. Finding a spot, Dr. J wiped it and injected the second medicine. Ron was again screaming, but Dr. J kept injecting the medicine. Once done, he removed the needle and rubbed the spot and bandaged it. The nurses corrected Ron's clothes and made him lay straight. Soon, Ron fell into deep slumber. At night, Dr. J again gave Ron the injections and connected an IV drip.

Next Day:
Ron woke to find himself moving on a wheelchair. He looked up to find Harry taking him somewhere.

Ron: (fearfully) Wh... where... where are you... tak... taking me?
Harry: Oh! You woke up! Well, we need to do a pre-op checkup before your procedure. So, I am taking you for the same.

Ron went quiet after that. He was terrified but there was nothing he could do. They reached near the room and were met by Ron's parents.

Mrs. D: (on seeing Ron) Hey Ronny! How's my baby doing?
Ron: (crying heavily) Mom! Take me home please. I don't want to stay here. I don't want the treatment.

He didn't say a word about his treatment as he had been threatened by the nurses earlier that if he said a word, then they would make him stay here forever and give him lots of injections every day.

Mr. D: Ron! Don't throw tantrums now. The doctors and nurses here are helping you to get healthy. Don't trouble them.
Mrs. D: Calm down, Arthur! He is a kid and has been without his parents for an entire day. Cut him some slack now, will you?

Saying this, she gave Ron a tight hug and kissed his forehead. Mr. D did the same after which Harry took him inside the room. Ron was scared seeing the room. It had the same chair that he had sat on yesterday for his examination and a stretcher was placed beside the same. There were two doctors waiting for him, wearing masks and gloves. One of them was Dr. J. And other was Dr. Thomas.

Rosy entered the room with a large tray in her hand and placed it on the table beside the chair. Then, she and Harry went on to secure Ron on the chair, with his legs on the stirrups. Dr. J sat on the stool in front of the chair and raised his gown. Ron was crying in embarrassment as he was half naked in front of so many strangers. But the doctors and nurses did not pay any heed to his sniffling.
Dr. J unclothed the tray and took the disinfectant wipes from it. He wiped Ron's private parts spot clean with the same and then started examining it.

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