Chapter 12: Sweet Release

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Jeremy took an early leave from work because he needed to check upon Destiny as soon as possible. He had asked a few students about her but no one had seen her around that day, so he went to her apartment around 1PM. He pressed the doorbell impatiently and Destiny hoped it wasn't Tornado there to hit on her like a tornado again.

"Who's there?" she called out warily.

Jeremy didn't say and started knocking instead. Destiny swallowed the last of her third cup of coffee and dragged herself to answer the door. She was horror-stricken to see her teacher standing in the doorway; he caught hold of the door before she could shut it close, and let himself in.

"We need to talk," he said firmly.

Destiny stared back at him with wide eyes and opened her mouth to argue, but no words came out. Jeremy noticed her skin turning white and knees trembling slightly; it appeared as if she was going to faint. He told her to relax and sit down, but she stood there mortified. He reached out to take her wrist but she jerked her hand away.

"Don't touch me," she squealed.

"I'm sorry, just sit down," requested Jeremy politely, "I swear I don't mean any harm."

She let out a deep breath and dropped to the couch with her arms folded across her chest. Jeremy sat across her on a beanbag and looked at her with concern; she sat still, staring at her feet, her ebony hair falling to her thighs.

"Are you okay?" he asked kindly.

She looked up and nodded.

"I'm sorry for last night," said Jeremy, "you were intoxicated but I wasn't."

She didn't say a word and averted her gaze.

"I was worried when I realized that you skipped college today," stated Jeremy.

"I was hungover," mumbled Destiny.

After a few moments of silence, he told her that there were a few other things he wanted to discuss with her. He suggested they go somewhere outside, as she seemed dreadfully uncomfortable sitting with him alone in her apartment.

"We can go any place you like but don't say no," requested Jeremy, "we could talk over a cup of coffee,"

"Okay," she replied, "but I've already had too much coffee, so let's do ice cream."

Jeremy grinned and said it would be his treat. She grabbed her jacket and led him down the stairs across the street. After about ten minutes of walking, they were outside a place called 'Nino's ice cream parlor".

* * * * * * * * * *

Jeremy and Destiny sat across each other at a table for two. The place was pretty much deserted at that time of the day; it was just the two of them aside from a mom with two children. The last time Jeremy had come to a place like that was back home with his twin siblings, which made him smile. A young preppy waitress came to take their order.

"You two make a cute couple," she said delightfully, "you should try our lover's special; it has chocolate, strawberry and caramel ice cream topped with roasted nuts, chunks of strawberry and chocolate syrup."

"We're not a couple," conveyed Destiny, "I'll have a Vanilla caramel sundae,"

"Oh, pardon me," apologized the waitress, noting down Destiny's order.

She then turned to Jeremy who wasn't sure what to order. He quickly browsed the menu and ended up telling the waitress that he'll have the same as Destiny.

"So what do you want to talk about?" demanded Destiny, as soon as the waitress left.

Jeremy asked her if she was being bullied or facing any other troubles at the university.

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