Chapter 9: That was Awkward

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"Was that guy harassing you?" demanded Hassan, holding Destiny by the shoulders.

The three friends stood outside an out-of-business veterinary clinic, roughly a block away from the club. Destiny assured him that it was not like that at all. She explained that the 'guy' was one of her teachers at the university, and she just freaked out in that moment.

Hassan was relieved and they decided to head over to the girls' apartment, order in some pizza, and play monopoly until they couldn't keep their eyes open.

"By the way, your teacher is hot," mentioned Iris, "how old is he?"

"I don't know, probably in his mid-twenties," said Destiny.

"Do you like him?" teased Iris.

"No comment," replied Destiny, abashed.

Iris grinned knowingly and Hassan smacked her on the head. Their usual playful banter commenced, and Destiny beamed at them, while her mind wandered somewhere else.

* * * * * * * * * *

Roy's dad instructed him to personally visit the Barnes Innovation Co. headquarters on his behalf and discuss the outlines of an upcoming project with their project manager. Roy suggested sending one of their best employees, but his dad wanted him to do it. Henceforth, he suited up and reached the designation on time; the receptionist showed him to a cabin right around the corner.

"Miss Cynthia will receive you," he conveyed before leaving.

Roy entered the room and took a seat across the poised lady scrutinizing her laptop through frameless spectacles. He instantly recognized her; however, she addressed him as if she had no memory of their prior meeting. She was to-the-point and professional; she didn't smile once out of all the times they made eye contact, which was nerve-racking.

Once they were done talking business and it was time to leave, Roy helped himself to one of her business cards on the desk.

"Mind if I call you some time?" he asked flirtatiously.

"Not if it's related to the project we just discussed," she replied cynically.

Roy placed his own card on her desk and conveyed that she could contact him any time as well. She gazed at him with a puckered brow, as he winked and disappeared behind her office door.

* * * * * * * * * *

It was around 11AM and Jeremy was in the mood for a snack. He bought himself some chicken sandwiches from the university cafeteria and found an empty bench outdoors to sit and eat in peace. Miss Macy came out of nowhere and asked if she could join him.

"Sure, make yourself comfortable," he replied out of politeness.

He offered her a sandwich, but she refused because she was on a vegan diet. They sat in silence for a few minutes as Jeremy nibbled on his sandwich and she stared ahead into space.

"Do you like it here?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"Nothing to complain about,"

"May I know your relationship status?"

Jeremy was taken aback by the sudden personal question, and she was almost embarrassed when she noticed his expression. He vaguely told her about Kylie, and she hung on every word.

"Thereby, I just want to concentrate on my career for now," concluded Jeremy firmly.

"I think that's very wise of you Professor Jeremy," she said respectfully.

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