Chapter 11: By Accident

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Destiny got off her shift at nine and headed to Sky club in hopes of having a quick chat with Hassan. Jeremy had returned outside the music store by 8:45 and once again managed to follow Destiny without her noticing.

Destiny took off her jacket as she entered the crowded club and saw that Hassan occupied with several customers. She found a vacant divan and decided to stay for a bit, as she didn't want to be alone back at the apartment. The deafening music made her head throb and she jadedly gazed at people laughing, dancing and flirting around her.

Jeremy peered at her from a distance, but couldn't settle on whether to go and talk to her or not. A pretty girl came along and asked him for a dance but he tersely shooed her away because he didn't want to lose sight of Destiny.

A guy with beady eyes and long hair came along and sat next to her. He started making conversation with her, but Jeremy couldn't hear a thing over the loud music. He could tell that he wasn't a friend of hers, as he gave him the impression of a distrustful character.

"Hi, I'm Gordon," he introduced himself to Destiny with a crooked grin.

"Destiny," she replied, shaking his extended hand reluctantly.

He shook her hand gently, and then held it between his both hands, lightly tracing her knuckles with his thumb; the gesture gave her goosebumps. He looked at her intently with his piercing dark eyes and a shiver ran down her spine.

"I've never held a hand as soft as yours," he said languidly, "you also have the most beautiful eyes."

"Umm...thanks," said Destiny, blushing furiously.

"You seem a bit flustered," he remarked, "are you feeling alright?"

Destiny told him she was just having a bad day and was hoping to talk to her friend, but he was busy. Gordon told her that he was more than happy to keep her company and advised her to have a drink with him. She let him know that she didn't drink, but he insisted that a little alcohol would help cheer her up. He ordered a round of shots, and she gave in because she didn't want to appear ungrateful for his kindness.

"A few shots won't hurt, trust me," he said benevolently.

"This tastes horrible," she whined after taking a small sip.

Gordon told her to hold her nose and gulp it down in one go; he demonstrated and she followed his example. He made her knock back a few more.

"How does it feel?" he asked briskly.

Destiny felt funny and lightheaded, but she liked it. He handed her two more shots and she drank them obediently.

"Thanks Gordon, I feel great," she yelled feverishly.

He told her to wait for him right there while he made a quick tour to the restroom, and Jeremy followed him. He watched him lean against a wall at a secluded corner and make a call.

"I've got a drunk girl, just your type," he spoke into the phone, "I'll bring her over soon."

Jeremy didn't wait to hear more and rushed to get Destiny out of there. She had left her spot, but her purple jacket still lay there. He gathered it up as his eyes roamed the place, searching for her. He made a beeline for the door attendant at the exit and described Destiny; he reported that she'd left a few minutes ago.

Jeremy dashed outside and caught sight of her long ponytail swinging down the street. She was hopping ahead like a drunk bunny, her hands flapping at her sides.

"I can fly," she was crying out loud, "I am free."

Jeremy jogged up to her and caught her by the arm.

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