Chapter 1: Old Flames

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"I'm going to LA!" hooted Jeremy as he re-read the job offer email from the University of LA for the third time.

At the time, he was in his hometown, Lincoln Nebraska, staying at his parents' house. He was still in his pajamas, though his dark hair was very much in place as always. A few months back he had completed his Master's degree in social sciences and turned 25.

Teaching was his passion and pursuing it at a prestigious university was everything he'd been aiming for. The first person he wanted to share the big news with was his girlfriend Kylie, whom he met during freshman year at college.

She was pursuing a degree in Mass Communication and their first encounter occurred at the library. Jeremy helped her search for a book while she constantly flirted and suggested that they meet up for coffee later. She was a petite girl with wild blonde curls and cat-like green eyes. Jeremy thought that saying 'no' to someone as attractive and inviting as her would be blasphemous.

They got along really well as Kylie loved to talk and Jeremy was a keen listener; he enjoyed hearing out and observing people. Despite having drastically different personalities, the one thing they had in common was their hometown same hometown and that opened up several topics for discussion.

He liked how she was utterly outspoken and free spirited. She was predictable, yet stimulating and always fun to be around. They made it to 5 years together and Jeremy was convinced that she was the one for him. They had their ups and downs like any other young couple, but he simply refused to let go. Now that he had scored his dream job in the city of her dreams, he knew it was time to pop up the big question.

He announced the plan to his family at breakfast. His mom and dad were encouraging, but his 14-year-old twin siblings Hannah and Harold were far from thrilled.

Jeremy pulled out a purple velvet case from his back pocket and revealed a delicate flower-shaped diamond studded ring. Everyone paused and went silent for a moment before admiring the beauty.

"Kylie isn't right for you," voiced Hannah annoyed, and Harold seconded that.

Their mom glared at them, while Mr. Kay (Jeremy's dad) gave him a pat on the back and wished him the best of luck.


Jeremy drove to Kylie's parents' house, picturing how she would react and what a magical moment it would be. She wasn't the kind to tear up, but she was bound to be surprised and do a 'happy' dance.

Fifteen minutes later he was received by his supposedly future father in law, Mr. Gareth. Gareth was a towering jolly old man; it was evident that Kylie got her mother's genes. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gareth adored Jeremy because he was the only 'nice guy' their daughter had ever dated.

"Well well it's the son I never had," said Mr. Gareth greeting Jeremy at the door.

He was welcomed in warmly as usual and Kylie's mom served him some home-made cookies with tea. After some small talk Jeremy asked for Kylie.

"She decided to stay at Diana's place last night," provided Mrs. Gareth.

He remembered Kylie telling him the other day that she'd be hanging out with the old friend from high school.

"Yeah she did tell me they'd be hanging out but I didn't know she'd be sleeping over," he recalled.

Mr. Gareth asked if Kylie knew that he would be coming over.

"Well actually this was supposed to be a surprise," he disclosed.

He spilled the beans about his new job and proposing Kylie. The folks were delighted and teared up when he showed them the ring.

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