Chapter 10: Accused and Stalked

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More than two days had passed since Roy had procured Cynthia's business card. It was half past midnight when he decided to give her a call, but she didn't answer and her phone went to voice mail.

"Hey, it's Roy," he recorded his message, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out for a drink tonight?"

An hour went by, but she didn't call or text back. Roy considered sending her a text message, but then stopped himself because he didn't want to sound desperate. He assured himself that she was probably busy and not intentionally ignoring him.

He felt restless, as he wasn't used to waiting on girls. Was this his life now? On the other side, Cynthia had gone to bed by half past ten because she was an early bird. She heard Roy's message the following morning, and decided to get back to him once she'd freshened up and had breakfast. His number wasn't responding, so she got to work and forgot about it after that.

Roy woke up roughly around 11AM and viewed the missed call from Cynthia at 8:30 in the morning.

"She called back!" he cried with satisfaction.

He took a shower, got dressed, and fixed himself a large bowl of milk and cereal. He called Cynthia before leaving for work, and she answered on the third ring.

"Seems like you were busy last night," he said smugly.

She told him that she went to bed at ten except if she was to attend an important business-related event; she also enlightened him that she wasn't a drinker, and didn't like being contacted so late, unless it was an emergency.

"Oh I see," was all Roy could come up with.

She mechanically reported that she didn't have time to chat further as she was expected at a work meeting shortly. Roy asked if he could call her later, but she uttered a subdued 'have a good day' and hung up.

"This one is a tough nut to crack," chuckled Roy to himself, "but I like it!"

* * * * * * * * * *

Jeremy was preparing for a lecture in his office when someone knocked at his door.

"You may come in," he said aloud.

It was a lean geeky guy dressed in cargo pants, a baggy shirt, and hipster glasses; he extended his arm for a handshake and introduced himself as "Chang". He recounted that he was a senior student in the Bachelors program of Natural sciences and the topper in his batch. He had maintained the maximum GPA and was looking for tuitions. As Jeremy was teaching juniors in his study program, he requested to refer him to any of his students who required tutoring.

"Which subjects can you teach?" asked Jeremy.

"All of them," he stated proudly.

Jeremy said that was great and he would definitely help him out if any of his students were interested. He handed Jeremy some fliers which had his details and contact info printed on them. After Chang thanked him for his support and left, Jeremy pinned one of the fliers on the soft board in his office and put the rest in a drawer.

* * * * * * * * * *

Destiny found a seat beside a girl named Whitney in chemistry class. She seemed like a nice friendly girl, so Destiny thought of acting upon Hassan's advice by starting a conversation with her. They had a pleasant little chat before the teacher arrived. At the end of class, Whitney invited her to lunch along with her two friends Sasha and Lily.

At the cafeteria, Gloria and her friends came and sat at the table right next to them. She beamed at Destiny wickedly, but she chose to ignore her and the sinking feeling in her gut. Everyone at Destiny's table was ordering an apple pie, so she got the same as well; it felt good having lunch with the girls. Whitney rummaged through her bag for her wallet, but couldn't find it.

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