Thirty-nine ~ Making the Bed

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"Jorge, follow the beat. The bass and the drum need to be on the same page you're the rhythm section for fucks sake," I muttured. "I could play your part even if I was–"

"Okay, how about we take a break?" Ken said, glancing at Shawn awkwardly fumbling with his sticks.

"Fine," I said, slipping my strap over my head.

Shawn nodded, checking his watch. "We have like 15 minutes left for lunch, so let's take 5," he said.

"My human metronome," Ken said, smiling fondly at him. Shawn flipped him off before walking out of the room.

We had a week left of practice before Battle of the Bands, and we were far from perfect. Jorge was playing too fast, Ken couldn't sing back up, and Shawn–Shawn is actually a really good musician, even after missing a practice from the flu thats going around the school. No notes for Shawn.

"Hey, Apollo." Ken grabbed my shoulder. "Maybe we could cool it down a bit?" He asked with a blank stare.

"Kenneth, we have two more practices until the show and Jorge can't keep time. It's the slowest fucking song and he can't even manage to–"

"See that's what I mean," he said. "Chill out. We're fine, we sound good."

"Do your ears work?" I asked.

"Apollo, what's wrong?"


I shrugged.

"I know you're serious about music, but we're doing well. This is the best we've played, so why are you hung up on the smallest things?"

"We can do better."

Ken nodded and said, "I know. But not when our bandmate is shitting on us." He glanced at the door before quietly whispering, "Is it because I gave Amory a ticket? I didn't know you guys were fight–"

I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him in confusion. "How do you know we're fighting?"

Ken shrugged. "He usually comes by to listen," he said. "But I haven't seen him outside the door."

"He's never done that," I said.

Ken smirked and nodded. "He sits outside in the hallway and listens. You've never seen him out there?"

"No? Why have you never told me this?"

"Oh, I just thought you told him not to come inside. He doesn't walk with you to class after practice?"

"Well–sometimes– but I never knew he waited out there all of the lunch period."

Ken nodded and said, "I guess that was supposed to be a secret."

I sighed and slumped my shoulders, burying my head in my hands. Another reason as to why I'm a piece of trash.

Ken patted my back and said, "Don't worry. He'll show up to the show."

I chuckled and shook my head. Why would anyone show up for a piece of shit like me? I didn't deserve it.

"Apollo," Shawn said entering the practice room. "Mei is out there looking for you."

I nodded and turned to Ken and whispered, "How did you know about us?"

Ken smiled. "He's the only person you look for in a crowded room, and when you find him your eyes never move away."


"It's really gay," he added.

"Should I beat you up for that comment or–"

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