Thirty-six ~ Boys Don't Cry

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"Just give Jorge another week, I promise he'll have it down by next week!" Ken said, patting my back. I shrugged, placing my guitar back into its case.

Battle of the bands was a month away, and we had been practicing 4 times a week. Jorge missed two practices, and I told Ken to kick him out, but he desperately vouched for him. So if we lose, it's on Jorge.

"I like the song," Jorge chimed.

Ken nodded. "It's a good song for the ballad portion," Ken agreed.

"I didn't think you'd listen to these types of songs," Shawn said, picking up his backpack. I shrugged, glancing at the clock. First period started in 5 minutes, but we were too focused and spent an hour rehearsing song transitions and pace matching.

"We get one free ticket for Battle of the Bands," Ken said, pulling out the tickets from his wallet. He handed me one and smirked, "Is there anyone you're playing for?"


"No one in particular?" Ken smirked. "Maybe someone who's 5 '7, blond curly–" Shawn punched his shoulder and muttered, "Stop."

"I didn't know Apollo had a girlfriend?" Jorge asked.

"I don't."

"Then who is Ken talking–"

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said, carrying my guitar case in hand.

I walked out of the band room, staring down at my phone. Amory wasn't full on ignoring me, but he also wasn't very happy with me. It's been two weeks since New Year's Eve. He thinks he's doing a good job covering it up, but I think he hates me right now.

I stopped outside the gym and pressed my back against the wall. Waiting for the warning bell to ring, Amory usually comes out of the gym racing towards his first period class. I glanced up at the clock hanging outside the double doors, watching the hand tick, as students walked passed.

"Mr. Reyes-Perez," Mr. Rogers said, coming into my view.

"Hi, Mr. Rogers."

"First period starts in three minutes," he said.

"I know. I'm waiting for someone," I said.

He nodded. "How were your holidays?"


"Did you visit family?"


"Get any good gifts?"


Mr. Rogers laughed, patting my shoulder. "Always a man of few words."

The bell rang, and just on cue, Amory came out of the gym running his hands through his wet hair. Amory spotted Mr. Rogers and his eyes widened as he started bolting out the hallway. Mr. Rogers stopped him and called him over before he could escape.

"Mr. Hartmann," He shouted.

Amory hung his head down low as he approached us. "Mr. Rogers," he mumbled.

"Your final research report was due...let's see–oh yeah–before winter break."

Amory glanced at me, our eyes met briefly before he averted his gaze back down at his feet. He nodded and said, "I know. I had trouble writing it."

"Okay, come see me at the end of the day. I'll give you time before I have to send in grades for the semester report card." Mr. Rogers smiled back at me and waved. "I'll see you later, Apollo."

Amory awkwardly stood in front of me, waiting for one of us to say something.

I cleared my throat and asked, "Why didn't you tell me you needed help with the environmental report?"

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