Four - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

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I stared at the white ceiling above as I recovered. I guess this was the alone time I asked for. It sucked that it had to be like this, but I got my wish. I turned my head towards Amory's bed. He was a little messy, which was unexpected but not completely surprising. I smiled at the loose socks and underwear he had thrown onto his bed in an attempt to finish unpacking. My alone time was cut short when the door knob jiggled, and I quickly turned to face the wall.

"Mr. Rogers wanted me to come check on you," Amory said.

"You didn't have to. We barely know each other," I said.

Amory nodded and took a seat next to my bed. The nurse had me in her office for an hour to watch over me, but then sent me back to my room to rest. I practically begged her not to call my parents. She said she wouldn't, but I think she lied to me. She just said that to calm me down.

"Yeah, I know. Uhm... all the other kids were worried too. So, I said I'd pass on the message," he continued, "kids at this school talk a lot."

I scoffed and shook my head.

"Yeah? What have you heard?" I asked.

"That Cassie Leblanc is a total bitch."

I smiled at him, and he sat there grinning with his arms crossed.

"Well I could have told you that," I said.

"Guess I had to find out for myself," he said.

Amory wasn't the type of guy I expected him to be. He seemed more like a shy kind of dude than the popular star player I had imagined.

"Some of the teachers are taking students to go trail blazing tonight. Do you think you can come? I'd rather break one of my bones than listen to Cassie talk about her dance team," he said.

"You're only on dance talk, you'll really want to break your leg once she starts talking about her dream home," I said.

"She does that?" He asked.

"Only when she's interested in you," I said. "You left at the right time."

"Come on, if she sees me with you, then she'll have to leave me alone," he said.

"She talked about me?" I asked. He paused and looked over at the door.

"Well, a lot of people had something to say about you," he shrugged.

"People suck," I said.

"Yeah, they really do."

The nurse had let me go back for the scheduled nighttime trail walk as long as Amory never left my side and I drank plenty of water. I felt guilty having this kid babysit me. It's not like he actually wants to be my friend; he just has no one to talk to. This trip isn't exactly filled with the coolest of people, me included.

"Do you want bug spray?" Amory asked. I nodded and went to grab the can, but he playfully lifted it higher for me to reach. I smiled and grabbed his free arm and pulled him down. He wasn't taller than me, but he could stretch his arms pretty far. Amory quietly giggled as my arm wrapped over his shoulder in an attempt to reach the can.

"I can pretend to be tall too," I said. I jumped and grabbed the can from his hands and sprayed a generous amount on my body.

"Cheater," Amory mumbled.

We waited outside the dorm rooms for our instructors, and I could feel some stares coming from all directions. Everyone already knew what had happened.

I wonder how much Amory knew about me.

I started to spray Amory until I heard Cassie's obnoxious voice.

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