Daddy Issues

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Luka was sitting on his bed one evening, when he reserved a text from Kitten.

A: Is there anything specific I should wear for tomorrow?

L: Not really
L: Just wear something comfortable

A: You sure?

L: You don't have to worry Kitten
L: My parents already know you and like you

A: I guess, but maybe I could wear something nice for you 😏😽

L: You could wear nothing but a cardboard box and you'd still be hot



The next day, Adrien arrived on the house boat and kissed Luka on the cheek before going inside.

"So, is there anything I should expect?", asked Adrien. "Um, well my mom can be a little... extreme."

"So you're the landlubber my son's been dating", came Anarka's booming voice. "Yes ma'am, um Miss Couffaine", Adrien stuttered. Why was he so nervous?

"That's Captain to you Laddy", she said. Her voice and face gave the impression that she'd snap the model in half if he said the wrong thing.

Anarka helt out her hand for Adrien to shake, before pulling him right into her face.

"So, why do you want to date my son?"

"Well, to be frank with you, he's the most incredible person I've met. He's caring, honest, gentle, and smart. I'm thankful every time I'm so much as in the same room as him. And I'd be honoured if you gave us your blessing"

Anarka stared at Adrien in disbelief. Before bursting out in laughter. "You don't need my blessing Laddy. If it makes Luka happy then he can do whatever he wants. And I know for a fact that you make him beyond happy."

She let go of Adrien's hand before leaving. "Your father said he'd be here in half an hour. Make yourself at home Laddy".

"What the hell was that?", Adrien asked his boyfriend. "Like I said, she can be extreme." The two shared a chuckle before taking a seat.

They waited and chatted for about two hours, Jacket still wasn't there. "What do you think is taking so long?", asked Luka. "I'm sure he'll be here soon", his boyfriend tried to reassure him.

Anarka watched her son grow impatient. "Come on Jacket, don't let him down too", she said to herself.

Luka got a text from his Dad, which he read out loud. "Hey kiddo, I can't make it today, something came up."

Just then, Luka got a notification. Someone posted "At a party with THE Jacket Stone #bestdayever"

The young guitarist got up and left the boat. "Is everything ok?", asked Adrien. There was no reply.

Luka walked to his spot under the bridge, the one he showed Marinette when they were dating.

"Luka", Adrien shouted as he tried to catch up with his boyfriend. "He's not coming", Luka said coldly, "I'm sorry I...he, wasted your time."

"Luka, are you okay?", Adrien asked. "I'm fine Adrien"

An akuma flew up behind Luka, and into his wrist band. "NO LUKA! You have to fight this."

"Claws out!" Once transformed, Chat Noir tore off Luka's wrist band and ripped it in half. He then used his cataclysm on the evil insect. "Okay, now I KNOW something's wrong."

Chat Noir turned back into Adrien, fed his kwami and ushered Luka to sit down. "Just talk to me", he said in a gentle voice.

"My dad cancelled on us!", Luka screamed in frustration, "Apparently, going to a party was more important than his own son! You know what, I don't even know why I expected any more! He wasn't there his family since I was born, why would he start now?"

Luka sighed and let his head hang down. There was a long silence after he finished his rant.

"Dads... aren't always perfect", Adrien finally broke the silence, "They mess up sometimes. Okay, they mess up most of the time. But, I've learnt that instead of focusing on the time that he's not here, you should appreciate the people that are here."

Luka looked up at his boyfriend. Adrien stroked his fingers through his blue hair. The two leaned in and kissed, then they heard a helicopter.

A really close helicopter. The vehicle started blowing a strong wind everywhere, as a familiar looking man came down on a rope ladder.

"Dad?", Luka looked utterly confused. "Hi kiddo, your mom said I might find you here", said Jacket as he got off his ride.

"What are you doing here?" "You wanted me to meet your new partner, didn't you? Well I'm here now."

Jacket's eyes fell on the blonde, as he looked him up and down. "You didn't tell me you were seeing Adrien Agreste. A model and a musician, that totally rock and roll"

The helicopter pilot shouted at Jacket to hurry up. He said one last goodbye and even gave both boys slightly awkward hugs. And then he was off.

"Well, that was something", Said Luka. "At least he's trying, that counts more than you think", Adrien gave him a kiss on the cheek before they walked back, hand in hand.

A/N: I'm open to requests if there's anything you guys wanna see (I really don't know where to take this story 😶)

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