Confronting the starker

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Adrien arrived on the house boat, an hour earlier than everyone else (as usual). Luka was sitting on a crate while tuning his guitar.

"Hey Kitten", said the musician as he got up to greet his boyfriend. The two shared a hug and a quick peck on the lips. "I really need to come up with a cute nickname for you", Adrien teased.

Luka chuckled, leaning in for another kiss but was interrupted by the sound of his ringtone. The musician took his phone out of his back pocket, reading "Marinette" on the caller ID.

"Mind if I take this Kitten?", asked Luka, holding up his phone. "Not at all."

"Hey, what's up!"

"Luka, I need to know if Adrien is going to be at band practice"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Okay, that's all I needed to know, thanks"

"Wait Marinette! What are you planning"

"Oh, it's just that I've come up with the perfect solution to ask out Adrien"

"Marinette, um, there's something I need to tell you. Adrien and I are d-"

She hung up.

"What was that about?", asked Adrien. The musician looked at his boyfriend, contemplating whether or not he would finally tell him about Marinettes feelings for him.

Luka walked back to Adrien and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Do you think we should tell our friends about us going out?", asked the musician.

Adrien looked a little surprised. "We could tell them before practice", Luka suggested. "You know what, that actually sounds perfect."

The rest of the band arrived a little bit later, along with all their other friends. They started setting up and doing sound checks. "Should we tell them now?", Luka whispered to his boyfriend. "Wait, Marinette's not here yet", Adrien pointed out.

The girl in question came running seconds later. "I'm here, sorry I'm la-", she was cut off then she tripped on the rim of the boat and face planted onto the hard wood floor.

"Are you okay", asked Zoe, being the first to rush over to Marinette. "I'm totally fine. Nothing I'm not used to." Zoe helped Marinette dust off, giving a small smile as she looked into her bluebell eyes.

(What am I doing? This is supposed to be a Lukadrien fic. Zoenette, wait your turn!)

"Okay, well now that everyone is here", Adrien was cut off by Marinette. "Wait, before practice starts, Adrien, there's something I need to say."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "The first time I saw you, I misjudged you..."

"Marinette", Luka tried to stop her.

"I thought you were conceded and superficial"...

"Marinette", Adrien recognised this speech. It was the same one she wrote for 'buttercup'.

"But then I got to know you. I saw how you really were deep down..."

"Marinette", Zoe also tried to intervene.

"Someone sweet, sincere and generous. Since then, there's something I've been wanting to tell you..."

"LUKA AND I ARE DATING!", Adrien blurted out.

Marinette finally opened her eyes as everyone in the room gasped.

"Called it", Nathaniel said casually.

"Y-you and Luka?", she stuttered. "I tried to tell you over the phone Marinette, but you hung up."

"I am so sorry if I hurt your feelings", Adrien apologized, "but..." He knitted his fingers into Lukas, "Luka makes me happy."

"And you?", the designer asked, starring at Luka. "Honestly, this is all still pretty new but", the musician pulled Adrien in a bit closer, "this might be one of the best relationships I've ever had."

There was a collective "Awww" around the room. While Marinette felt like she just got sucker punched in the stomach.

"I think I should go", and she ran off. "MARINETTE WAIT", Zoe chased after her.

The boys were also about to check on her, but were stopped by Alya. "Just give her some time to cool off", she said.

Band practice never actually happened that day. Luka and Adrien were too busy answering questions about what they were. They obviously had to leave out some of the superhero stuff when asked about who confessed first, but all their friends seemed happy for them.

Luka even swore he heard Marc ask Nathaniel, "Can we have what they have?"

Once it started getting dark, Adrien had to leave. Luka offered to walk him to the car.

"Do you think we did the right thing? With Marinette, I mean", asked Adrien. "Kitten, we haven't done anything wrong."

Adrien just looked down at the ground. Luka lifted his chin and gave him a kiss on the nose. "She was right though. You are sweet, sincere and generous. And you deserve to be happy."

The two shared one last kiss, Adrien had his arms wrapped behind Luka's head. Luka had his arms wrapped around Adrien's waist.

"Me-ow", Adrien said under his breath, once he finally got into the car.

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