First date

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Adrien woke up feeling a hell of a lot better. He had finally been able to get a good nights sleep after three fun-filled days of cramps and puking.

"Adrien!", Plagg screamed as he flew in through the window. The kwami had come and gone every day since Adrien didn't know the identity of Kitty Noir.

"Hey, I missed you buddy", said Adrien as he got out of bed. "Of course you did... and maybe I missed you too", Plagg said, hugging Adriens cheek.

"So, anything happen between you and that boyfriend of yours." Adrien raised an eyebrow, "You never wanna hear about my romance." "True, so get it all out of your system now before I lose interest."

"Well, nothing has happened quite yet", Adrien said as he dialed Lukas number, "but I'm about to change that"

"Hello", said Luka from the other side of the line.

"Hey strummer boy"

"Kitten? It's so great to hear your voice. How's your tummy feeling?"

"It's feeling fine, and I mean it this time. Anyway, I just realised that we never actually had an official date yet."

"Wait, Kitten, are you asking me out"

"That depends, are you saying yes?"

"Of course I'm saying yes!"

"Great! How does tomorrow at 12:00 sound? We could have a picnic in the park."

"That sounds perfect, I can't wait, Adrien"

"Neither can I. I'll talk to you later, handsome."

"Okay, bye Angel Face."


Once the call ended, Adrien dreamily stared at the ceiling. "Aww, there's the love-sick idiot I missed so much", Plagg teased. Adrien had that massive grin on his face for the rest of the day.

When dinner came around, Adrien sat with Gabriel on his one side and Natalie at the other.

"Dad, there's something I've been wanting to ask you", he said, breaking the silence. "Well, I was wondering if, maybe I could go to the park tomorrow, around 12 o'clock?"

"Oh, are you meeting with friends?", Gabriel asked.

"Something like that", Adrien blushed, "I was actually going on a date." His father raise an eyebrow, "Really? What's her name?"

"Umm", Adrien hesitated, "His name is Luka Couffaine." "That boy who help you at the interview?", asked Natalie. The blonde nodded.

"Well, I for one think that he is a very sweet young man", said Natalie as he placed a hand on Adriens.

The fashion designer glared at his assistant, she didn't even look in his direction.

"So dad, can I go?", Adrien repeated. Even if the answer was no, he still would have snuck out as Chat Noir. But it still never hurt to ask.

Gabriel forced a smile, "Of course you can go." His son was ecstatic.

As soon as dinner was over, Natalie offered to help Adrien prepare for tomorrow, but she was stopped by Gabriel who wanted to have a chat (not the character) with him.

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