45: Matter of a deal

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Third person P.O.V

"Taehyung! Where are you going?" Jimin felt lucky to leave the house to meet Taesoo because he caught Taehyung rushing away with his things clutched closer to his chest and eyes leaking his pain.

The said male flinched lightly yet didn't look at him, but the way he scrunched his body when Jimin was in his personal space, broke his heart. Clearly, they lost him all over again.

"Taehyung -"

"Let me go, I won't touch or hurt anyone. Just let me go." Not making eye contact with the beta, Taehyung blurted out that which was a strong blow to Jimin's already guilty heart.

Before he could open his mouth to say something, he heard distant and rushed footsteps only to find Jungkook standing there with his eyes changing colors.

"I want to go back to my normal life. Please, don't stop me by emotional blackmailing." Jungkook heard it all and had a deep frown settled on his face when Taehyung swiftly took his steps back, keeping a good distance from Jimin.

Knowing well what he meant because he declared to keep his trust safe or else he would be broken beyond repair, Jimin gazed back at the alpha standing, clutching his fists so tightly to keep himself firm at the place.

'Sire, please, don't break him any further. But of course, the last word is yours for me.'

Conveying the message silently after mustering a lot of courage, Jimin took a deep breath when Jungkook gave him the response in the form of a weak yes and nodded in reply as well. "OK, no one is going to stop you. But let me drop you to your place, hm?"

Taehyung still had a conflicted expression, but when Jimin gave him a soft, assuring smile, he agreed.

Without glancing back to let his heart suffer less, Taehyung walked behind Jimin, who quickly went to get the keys, others trailing behind them when they got to know about the situation and just like that, the blue-haired once again left the pack, this time without bidding his bye to anyone.

The way to the house was silent, and Jimin just kept his senses very alert during this. Reaching the door, Taehyung quickly moved out and softly said bye before disappearing into his house. Even when he wasn't invited, Jimin knew what he needed to do, so he silently followed the younger.

Sniffing the familiar scent, he halted, and soon, a hand landed on his shoulder. "Where is Taehyung?!"

"Hoseok hyung."

"WHERE IS TAEHYUNG?! Jungkook - what is he? What are you all?!" Biting his lips harshly when a strong push was made on his shoulder, Jimin just hung his head low.

"Taehyung is safe and -"

"Hyung?" The soft voice was enough to make Jimin free of the grip because the holder was gone to the source of it, engulfing the male in his arms.  

"Are you alright?" Pulling back, Hoseok followed his eyes all over Taehyung's face to find anything different. "Jungkook didn't hurt you, right? I'll complain about them all!"

Jungkook didn't hurt him?

Smiling lightly at that, Taehyung just wrapped his arms around the older and let his heart calm down. "No need, hyung. He didn't hurt. I'm here, and that's all that matters."

Jimin silently watched when Hoseok calmed down a bit, all while Taehyung kept on saying something in his ears. He could hear it all, how Taehyung said no word against Jungkook and them all, but told that he was special.

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