9: Really-

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Third person P.O.V

Jungkook walked beside Yoongi who was going to meet the luna, to report to her about the morning routine that happened in the omega center which was originally Jimin's duty, but as his mate was occupied with the new addition to their pack, he had to do that.

"Is he calmer than the night?" The silver-haired broke the silence and heard a blank chuckle from the leader.

"I don't know what to say about his condition. He looked more feral, more uncomfortable than yesterday and my stupid wolf has to put him in a daze, which must've offended him more." Rubbing his right hand over his face lazily, Jungkook muttered. Yoongi sighed tiredly, knowing well how it feels for an alpha to go through such things from their mate.

As Taehyung was human, he wasn't able to feel everything like a normal mate, but Jungkook was too sensitive to his every emotion, his thoughts, especially when they were in a certain radius, credit to his other side.

They entered the pack house and directly went to Luna's room where her personal maid was standing who lightly bowed to Jungkook.

"Is she awake?" Jungkook nodded his head and asked to which she nodded her head as well because she was mute.

Jungkook went inside first and greeted his mother who was sipping her tea, watching the small garden from the window.

"Good noon, mom." The lady turned and smiled at the sight of her son.

"Come here, my baby." The raven-haired trudged to her and was engulfed in a warm embrace, which he didn't know how much needed at the moment.

"I can feel it, it wasn't a good noon for you." Jungkook just nuzzled his head in her shoulder, taking big sniffs of her calming, soothing scent.

"Not so bad, though." His mother chuckled lightly and softly patted his head before leading both of them to her bed.

"Taehyung is very disturbed right now, give him some time." Jungkook nodded once she sat on the bed.

"I'm trying, but- but my wolf is getting impatient. I fear if it does something-"

"Don't think like that, your wolf is just like any other alpha and Taehyung is your mate, it's obvious that your wolf will try to get what he'd been waiting for so long." Jungkook averted his gaze down, feeling worried about the same thing.

When the older Jeon noticed that, she placed her slim hand over Jungkook's veiny one. "You can not control your wolf, but you can change your mate, ok?"


"Excuse me, sire. Someone is here to meet you from Southern pack." Yoongi knocked at the door when he got the news from the other male who was coming to convey the message.

Jungkook quickly got up to leave and his mother allowed him to, while Yoongi was asked to come inside and he stated the report he needed to.

Taehyung felt stuffed, not because he ate too much after so long, the food was lighter, but because the room was suffocating him. Even when it was spacious, decent, and perfect for any person, for him it was like a prison.

Jimin came back after putting the tray back in the kitchen. They asked Luna's personal cook to make Taehyung's breakfast. Because the main servants were aware of the whole chaos and were strictly ordered not to let the word out about Jungkook having his human mate in his house.

"If you need anything else, you can tell me." Taehyung almost flinched at the voice because he was looking around the room with the hope to find some way out. There was a window but it was opening to a narrow path, maybe the space between the two houses.

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