30: Nostalgic

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Third person P.O.V

A dream, what is it? Some people say it's a place where to find what you seek, while for some, it's just a gateway to a land of wonders, where things happen in the most bizarre way ever possible but for some, it's an escape from the horrible life... and that's what Jungkook had his mind stuck on because he knew what he heard can't be true. It should be a dream.

Blinking continuously after feeling the slight sting in his eyes, the alpha gazed up to have his breath hitched when those soft ones looked back at him with somewhat worry.

"I, did I say something wrong?" Taehyung stayed rooted at his place, his fingers busy fighting against each other while he waited for the raven-haired to say something in turn.

"Hyung?" Calling again, finally, the alpha showed some response by making a small 'hm', and Taehyung now felt awkward.

Does he not want what I said? Or is he offended?

And worse thoughts crossed his mind.

What if his wolf comes out in anger?

"It's... It's not like I want to go that way right now. We both need some time, I still need some time to get over it all. But if you don't want this... this bond anymore, I'm ready to move on as well."

Those words were rushed, very rushed to the point that Jungkook barely managed to get, but when he did, it was like another blow to his already blown-up mind. "You... you really said that?"

Taehyung frowned, finding it odd because Jungkook was just confusing him more than he already felt after hearing Jimin in such detail. "I said what? That I need time?"

"No, not that... um, that you want to live happily with... with me.?" The uncertainty made Taehyung realize that he might've done something at the wrong time, but oh lord, what a pair.

Jungkook thought that he heard wrong while Taehyung thought that he said wrong, but in reality, they both were wrong by believing their brain instead of their heart.

Thinking that he needed to clear it now, Taehyung cleared his throat and licked his lips before starting again. "I said, but you aren't obliged to do so if you don't feel comfortable. I... I never dated anyone before or had time to have relationships, and now, I think it won't be bad to have someone by... by my side." Unconsciously, Taehyung stepped back, hiding his face by hanging it low, knowing that it felt warmer than before, and he would gladly blame it over the strongest gaze that was directed at him.

"Jimin said that you have to stay... you have to stay alone if I won't be, um... with you." Jungkook felt lost. He was completely lost because he couldn't control but hear the loudly thumping heart of the nervous human who was hiding his face but couldn't tone down his screaming heart.

Is he afraid or shy?

Looking closely and sniffing the air subtly, the alpha confirmed that it wasn't fear or distress but nervousness, and only that discovery was very satisfactory.

"I just -"

"Taehyung?" The said male stopped any more words to leave his mouth when he heard Hoseok calling his name while coming out of the room he was sleeping in. Licking more nervously that the older one might have heard their conversation, he went to him, trying hard to keep his voice stable, with a slight bit of hope that his fear wouldn't come true.

"Hyung, are you... are you feeling better? When did you wake up?" Hoseok raised his brow because Taehyung sounded clearly nervous and slightly panicked. Chuckling lightly, he patted the younger's blue hair and softly caressed later.

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