40: Misfit

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Jungkook had a deep frown settle on his face the second he entered his room to find Taehyung sleeping soundly snuggled in the blankets and the stinking scent all around the bed.

Ignoring it, he simply made his way to the bathroom to get himself comfortable after a warm bath and went back to hug the blue-haired.

The little argument they had regarding the tall male was left unsettled, but deep down, he felt bad for upsetting the blue-haired. Heavily breathing in the sweet scent of his mate, he snuggled in the nape of the male.

"I'm sorry for being rude, pup. I hope you understand me." Softly humming the words, he just pulled the younger closer and tried to sleep off his tiredness.

Good thing the scent of his mate was enough to make him calm and sleep after a tiring day who blinked his eyes open on hearing the soft apologetic voice before smiling and sleeping back, basking in the warmth he missed.



"What's that noise out there?" Noticing the loud chaos happening outside the house, Taehyung left the laptop on the bed and went out to get his overcoat. Wrapping the black coat comfortably around his frame, he scrunched his nose at the dull pain, which had been there for almost weeks.

He still hasn't talked about it, noticing that Jungkook was quite busy and stressed these days to even meet him. Their routine was totally different to the point to even see each other faces. All he could feel was Jungkook hugging him in his sleep, the only comfort he was getting from him so far. But he wasn't complaining, knowing that something important must be keeping him like that.

"Luna," Ignoring the title, when the soft voice of Neena made him look at the girl who looked perplexed, he gazed around.

"What's wrong?" Frowning at the crying and wailing female, he asked again. "Why is she crying?"

Neena gulped thickly, contemplating whether to tell him or not, but good thing someone else took the lead.

"Her child went missing." Taehyung gaped, not knowing what to say until a loud uproar hit the area when the same crying female launched on the small boy standing near the omega center. His eyes almost bulged out the way she was marching forth and took a strong grip over the small frame.

"It's all your fault! You are a curse to our pack! Your parents died, leaving this burden to our heads!" Those harsh words felt like knives, and he couldn't control from stepping forward, taking the small frame in his protection only to realize that it was Taesoo's body.

The little one snuggled more to his side... definitely upset about the way he was treated a moment ago.

"I'm sorry to say this, but your way of talking is beyond unethical, Ms." Taehyung scowled when her glaring eyes shifted to him, and a loud scoff left her lips.

"Another weakling to take care of." Jimin frowned, ready to say something, but a warm hand made him halt.

"If I'm a weakling, then I'm happy being one. At least, I'm not using my power to hurt someone." The little crowd gasped, not expecting their Luna to rebute to the older women.

"One more thing, it may sound rude, but it is your duty to take care of your child. Do it in a better way rather than blaming others." Jimin had to put a hand on his shoulder when the human seethed.

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