21: The end...

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Third person P.O.V

The room was silent, but it doesn't mean that Jungkook wasn't able to hear the loud heartbeats of the scared blue-haired sitting on the bed after a nap of two hours. It was a deep night already or could be said near dawn as the time felt like rushing forward with a great speed, at least for the raven-haired alpha.

Once Taehyung felt the presence inside the room, he unconsciously scooted back to stick his back to the headboard, all while keeping his eyes fixed on the sheet-less mattress and the blanket over his frame with a vague memory of how he might have came there. His mind was haywire after he recalled the unexpected events that happened before-

"Taehyung," The said male bit his lower lip, hiding his clenched fists under the blanket, dreading the worst coming up with the raven-haired calling him. Deep down, he was still caught up in the moment, feeling that Jungkook blaming him again for those wolves invading his room and-

"Please, calm down first. I-," The pause felt very uncomfortable between the two, but Taehyung did make a stop to his wildly running thoughts at the soothing voice.

Jungkook took a very deep breath, wetting his dry lips for the nth time before taking a few steps reluctantly, too afraid to make the human scared all over again. But when the blue-haired stayed rooted on the spot, if his frequent gulping could be ignored, Jungkook took three steps ahead.

"Do you need some water?" Taehyung's eyes moved slowly as if making judgment through the narrow slits. The irony?! The male was asking for water as if nothing had happened!

Jungkook couldn't tear away his gaze from those accusing eyes, finding some solace even when they held nothing but hate for him.

"They were caught and are on watch." Ignoring how Taehyung's eyes were focused on each and every small movement when he got the water bottle to pour some water into the glass, Jungkook softly continued.

Extending the now half-filled glass towards the frowning male, the alpha tried to muster up a small smile only to fail miserably when those stoic and hate-filled eyes glared at his hands.

"I- drink some water." Taehyung once again gulped thickly, thinking that his refusal might lead to an ugly scenario and he was too tired to face all the wrath again,  so with his stiff hand, he took hold of the glass, avoiding the touch at all costs.

Jungkook watched him gulp down the water greedily, coaxing his own heart to absorb all the words his mate was thinking about him.

Just when the glass was empty, Taehyung placed it on his own lap, still in his grip to avoid the eyes of the raven-haired, which were very focused on him now.

"You, do you want to change your clothes? We are going somewhere." Not knowing how to state his words, Jungkook blurted out, though his voice was very calm, and his throat was very dry.

Taehyung opened his mouth to rebuke but bit down his tongue, not confirming how to confront the other. Looking at the empty glass, he thought for a brief moment before opening his mouth again. "Where?"

Jungkook cleared his throat, trudging to get his own jacket from the closet, having a full sense of the burning gaze at his back. "You don't like here, so, away from this place."

Before Taehyung could ask more when the words seeped down his system, Jungkook was already standing in front of him with a black jacket hugging his figure perfectly, a hand stretched to help him up. Thousands of questions and scenarios were swarming in his mind, but he acted strongly and helped himself up from the bed, avoiding the stretched hand.

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