4: A human mate?

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The room was silent, all the higher-ups of the pack were standing there, waiting for any sort of reaction from their alpha who happened to be awake half an hour ago.

The said alpha was sitting on the bed of the pack house, freshly bathed with wet, black hair falling on his eyes, hiding the deep frown.

"Why am I here?" Jin gulped thickly when the hoarse, deep, and slow voice boomed inside the room. The older one sneakily looked to Namjoon to see if he was ready to answer or not, but a sigh left his plump lips when he saw the other avoiding eye contact with him.

'Kim Namjoon!'

'Nope, he is still under the effect of his other half. I'm not gonna say a single word.'

Jin glared at the other before taking a deep breath.

"I asked something!" Jungkook's voice reminded them of how angry he looked even when half of his face was hiding because he was looking down at his black bathrobe.

"Sire, you- ahm, we have to shift you here after your rampage last night. Your room... your room is currently occupied by someone you brought yesterday." Hearing that, Jungkook's head jerked up, his black orbs directed to the oldest one in the room who had his eyes cast down.

"Someone? Who is that?" All of the other alphas in the room went silent on that, not knowing what to say or how to inform their pack leader that he had brought his mate, more precisely a human as his mate out of nowhere.

"Why are you all so lagging today?! I was the one who lost his senses yesterday, then why you all looked like the affected ones?!" Gritted jaw and clenched fists were clear signs of alarm for the other alphas in the room because they all were aware of how he can lose his control, not like his other side will take over, but his alpha wolf alone will be there, and no one was ready to face him too.

When the others still kept their gazes down, Jungkook got up from the bed abruptly before storming out of the room in an instant, leaving them all in great havoc going wild inside their minds.

Jungkook was angrily walking through the corridors of the pack house, his main aim to go to his own house, basically to his own room. Even when he asked almost a hundred times from his wolf about what he had done again, the bratty one didn't even link him back, the response was far away.

Grumbling in annoyance, he rushed out of the pack house, avoiding all the gazes of the workers there, and made a beeline to his room. The children were playing in the small space that could be considered as a park for them and it was near Jungkook's house because the view was mesmerizing due to all the flower-loaded trees and plants. Seeing their angry sire coming their way, they quickly scurried away back to their homes, just as per advice from their parents.

Whenever the sire is angry, stay away from him.

Jungkook was too bothered to notice the terrified children running away from him. Just when he entered his house, a new scent hit his senses, but what made his eyes go wide was the mixture of the scent. He could make it well that whoever person inside his room, was a human, and secondly, his own scent was mixed with the sweet scent.

Reaching the door of his room, his steps halted for some reason, his heart started beating rapidly and his throat felt suddenly very dry. Licking his dry lips, he opened the door only to scrunch his nose when a rush of sweet scent mixed with the strong smell of blood invaded his senses.

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