16: Only if

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Third person P.O.V

The pain was there, and it was all over his body, making it impossible to even move a single muscle, so the limbs were far away from the question. Besides the churning pain in his body like something was twisted inside, Taehyung could feel a hold over his slightly numb fingers, which may be resting over the bed halfway.

How much he wanted to talk, but nothing was working out for his drained body. Laying there, he blinked slowly, trying to remember the last things that happened only to bite his dry lips harshly, resulting in splitting the skin within seconds, making blood ooze out. How unfortunate he was to witness it all, to go through it all, and yet survive with that traumatizing memory for the rest of his life?

A small, tired, and strangled sob escaped his bruised lips, which was enough to wake up the male sitting there with his face hidden in his own arms. Taehyung closed his eyes when a very familiar voice fell in his ears, the voice he must've hated the most in his life till now.

"Taehyung? Are you awake?" At the lack of response, Jungkook wasn't much disappointed because it was very much expected, and also, it wasn't his priority for now. Focusing on the heartbeat of the human, Jungkook sighed in relief because judging from the rhythm, his mate was indeed awake after two days.

Straightening over the chair a little to see the face of the boy, the alpha managed to keep his emotions at bay as the scene was too heartbreaking for his already broken heart. His mate, his innocent human mate, was lying there, trying hard to avoid any sort of interaction with him, and he knew better than to question the reason.

Gulping down the urge to hit some sort of conversation, a bit of effort to hear that soothing voice that he was missing for the past torturous days, the alpha simply got off the seat to call the blond beta with the hope to make Taehyung calm.

Once the werewolf was gone, Taehyung opened his eyes and gazed around the room, only to wince internally. He was back in Jungkook's room, the place he despised the most now after that horrible incident.

Taking some deep breaths that hurt inside, the blue-haired tried his best to get up only to fall back on the soft mattress beneath, reminding him of his weak state.

You made me like this, Jeon Jungkook!

The bitterness was left behind those words, but what could he do now? The damage was already done, and he could literally feel it all over his body.

"Taehyung! Omg, you are really awake." The worried voice of Jimin fell in his ears, making him close his eyes again.

The blond beta rushed towards the bed to check the human who lay there like a lifeless body, not trying to even acknowledge his presence, which definitely made him feel beyond guilty. Even when he wasn't the direct cause of the chaos, he won't be able to forgive himself for leaving the human that night. Only if...

"Thank God, your body is healing well." Taehyung wanted to scoff but restrained himself from doing anything more and getting hurt when he was already at the edge.

Looking at the pale face of Taehyung, Jimin bit his lips harshly before linking Jungkook, who was standing right out of the room, not wanting to disturb the just-woken-up mate. Or maybe because he was too guilty to even look into those eyes.

'He is better than before, but his body is still too spent to even move.'

Jungkook took a deep breath, not knowing how to respond to that information.

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