18: Enough

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person POV

Taehyung clutched his clothes harder than before, waiting for some painful strike or maybe the pain in his chest just like he felt that night, but as time passed, he felt nothing like that... no pain, no movement, nothing.

Reluctantly, he moved his head lightly, only his eyes were able to peek over his knees, which soon were wide and in full view, surprised to find the situation that changed so quickly because there was no one, he was alone in the big room. The raging male was long gone, without producing a single noise, leaving the quivering human sitting in the same position.

The breath that fell out of Taehyung's lips felt very heavy, his tears were falling like a broken stream, and his hands wrapped around his hair in distress. Jungkook looked really angry, ready to break his many bones, but why would he leave like that?

The question lingered in his mind, but he found no appropriate answer to that, making him more frustrated. It was true when he said he didn't mean to hurt her. He could never hurt anyone deliberately. Then how can he hurt an elder woman? Unfortunately, the impression was made so wrong, and he hated that. But what he can say when everything was going downhill since he came here, nothing was in his hands, and it was the most bothersome thing breaching the limit called enough.


Finding Jungkook storming out of the room, Jimin was already standing in front of him with eyes screaming concern for the human residing behind those walls, and it wasn't difficult for the alpha to see it through. Biting his lips harshly, he ignored the look the beta gave to him and rushed out of the house, removing his shirt and shifting into his wolf even before he could leave the premises.

Jimin watched the alpha rushing out, smelling of sadness, and he knew... he knew well what could have happened inside those walls because he was sure of Jungkook's nature. Smiling sadly at the twisted and painful fate of the two mates, he silently crouched near the door, waiting for his own mate who happened to be near the borders of the pack.

Leaning his head over the door, he gazed up at the ceiling, all while hearing the muffled sobs of the human who must be trying hard to keep his voice low.

"Please, make it easier for them." The soft pray left his plump lips for the two, heartily wanting to see them happy.


The majestic wolf was rushing past the tall trees, his paws skillfully dodging the fallen logs and twigs and his eyes sharp as ever, very much aware of his surroundings until he reached his safe place. The wolf howled, once, twice, and it went on for a few minutes before it was dead silent, only the ruffling of the leaves was heard.

It took a little while before Jungkook was finally standing there in his human form after taking the robe from its place. His eyes held the melancholy that no one could see adequately, his heart was filled with pain that he had to keep to himself, and his wolf was raging in distress after what he had heard from his mate back in that room.

His mate, the mate he was longing for, was too afraid of him to explain himself. Even he made up his mind that he won't be able to live, no, not live, it was the more lively term, he mentioned survive, he said that he cannot survive for long here because of the terror or torture he was facing here.

And it wasn't a lie. Deep down, Jungkook knew it too that Taehyung, a fragile human, could not survive his tantrums of rage, which came out unexpectedly without a full moon and was life-threatening to the male. He was never before been this much afraid of his cursed side, but today, he felt strong hatred toward it. If he could have a bit of control over his own self, he would have shown his mate how much he can love him, how much he can adore him, and keep him like a real prince. But the curse was really a curse, ruined his whole life, and was ready to ruin his precious mate bond now.

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