25: Perfect-

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Third person P.O.V

The morning was nice, slightly cold, but the fresh scent of the wet soil from the last night was enough to make anyone feel happier and pleased with the weather. Just like a certain dark blue-haired boy.

Taehyung had recently dyed his hair blue again, making him look extremely attractive as ever that he even got some dates proposals that he politely refused. Also, the three little devils like cute creatures were always on his tail, as if attached to his hips and ready to shoo away any possible threat.

"Hyung!" Taehyung flinched lightly, almost dropping his book on his own foot when an overly excited voice caught him off guard right behind his ear, making him scowl later.

"Don't do that, Yeonjun. I might've got a heart attack." The younger male sheepishly rubbed his neck and apologized before dragging the older to his car.


"We had a plan, hyung! Don't tell me you forgot?!" Hearing that, Taehyung bit his lower lip because indeed, he forgot their plan of a little trip to the nearby amusement Park, something he promised to do after his exams after a lot of pestering from the same three devils.

"Well, it doesn't matter as far as you are coming with us." Yeonjun huffed out, and soon, they were inside Taehyung's house where the older male got freshened up while he made some hot chocolate for both while texting his two friends to be ready.

"I see. You have gotten so cozy at my place." Taking slow steps to the worn-out sofa in the living room where Yeonjun was busy with his phone and hot chocolate, Taehyung crocked his brow.

"Ah, hehe, you said to be comfortable when we visited your place last time." Taehyung rolled his eyes but couldn't help a chuckle because the other looked slightly nervous now.

"And this is the comfort level you have." Clearing his throat when nothing came out in his defense, Yeonjun got up and handed the other cup to Taehyung.

"I made one for you, knowing that you must be tired after your exams." Batting his lashes innocently, Yeonjun tried to prove his point, and that's it, the living room was soon filled with the soft yet alluring sound of giggles that even Yeonjun felt his nervous system broke right at that spot.

After his heartfelt laughter session, Taehyung took a deep breath to control himself but smiled again at the awestruck expression of the younger. Shaking his head, he softly pinched Yeonjun's cheeks, not before taking the cup from his hands. "You all are so cute, seriously."

Yeonjun blinked many times, still in the daze of what he had witnessed to brag about in front of those two idiots of his friends because not a single time in the last month they saw their favorite person laughing loudly, and oh God, will he stop bragging about that he was the first one to hear it, nope, a big fat no!

"Aren't you going to finish yours?" The question brought him back, and his smirk vanished when he saw Taehyung pointing to his unfinished cup of hot chocolate.


The soft breeze was making his hair dance, a corndog in his hands, almost forgotten because his gaze was fixed on a couple, enjoying the time together. He wasn't a love-sick type of person, but yeah, he had some thoughts regarding his life, especially his love life. Even when he wasn't much lucky, whenever it came to dating, he always thought of having a nice meeting with the person who would like him as much as he would. But when Jungkook marked him forcefully and declared him as his mate, he almost lost all his hope, and now, when he was free again, it all felt useless, the reason he declined all the proposals.

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