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I stood in front of the mirror

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I stood in front of the mirror. My white dress fit perfectly. I trusted Magnus's style. Sometimes it can be skeptical, but he knew what was perfect. He always did. I ran my hands down the silk fabric. 

My eyes weren't puffy anymore, Isabelle gave me cold spoons to press onto my eyes before Magnus fixed everything. I had light makeup. A sparkingly eyeshadow just to cover my eyelid. My hair was slightly curled, a few pieces pulled back into a braid that hit mid back. My hair was longer now. I usually cut it, but I'd forgotten since getting involved in the Shadow world.

"Are you ready, Bean?" Magnus stood behind me. I turned the side seeing the back of my dress.

"Am I doing the right thing?" I asked.

"Do you love him?" He stepped forward touching a few pieces of my hair.

"I do." I breathed. "I want him forever."

"Then I think you have your answer," Magnus turned me to face him. He pushed my hair behind my shoulder. "Do you like the style? If you have any last-minute suggestions I can always change them for you with a wave of my hand." His hand moved through the air the blue magic following his fingers. In the distance, I could hear the music playing. "If anyone deserves to have a happy ending it's you bean."

"I just want it to stay happy," I breathed. "But that's not how life works."

"Yes, but there are highs and lows. The only thing that matters is who stays with you through it all." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ears. "I just wanted to tell you that in all my centuries I've never met someone as kind and selfless as you, Lena." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"God you're gonna make me cry," I laughed and fanned my eyes. I couldn't ruin the makeup.

"I just want you to know that I will always see you as my daughter," His voice broke. I smiled as my eyes watered. "Stop don't cry you're going to make me cry." He covered his eyes as I laughed.

"Tell me after this then. Cause the tears are pooling." I laughed again. He moved his hand snapping his fingers as a bouquet appeared in my hand.

"Are you ready?" He offered me his arm. I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"I am," I nodded. 

He patted my hand a few times as we walked forward. There was faint music in the background as we turned the corner. He paused and then took a step making me laugh a little as we came around the corner. I saw everyone standing in their seats. Many had smiles on their faces as they faced me. A few had tears. 

My eyes finally moved to the front as I met Alec's eyes. He was taking me in, my dress, my hair, the bouquette, me. Isabelle stood on the opposite side of him. Magnus gripped my arm tighter making me look over to him as we stopped near the front of the crowd. He kissed my cheek and gave me a tight hug.

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now