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I was at the top of the institute looking out over the city

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I was at the top of the institute looking out over the city. Normally I would just go to the bookstore, but this was much higher. I looked over the edge staring down at the ground. It still made my feet tingle and my stomach turn.

"I still don't like you near the edge," Alec said. I leaned back and stood up straight.

"I would survive the drop," I smirked.

"Let's not try it," Alec stood next to me. 

We stood there in silence the noise of the cars filling out hears. The distant horns sounded as the traffic started. I looked over and saw his ring. I turned it around his finger as he let me.

"You remember when I gave you this I said this wasn't me asking you to marry me?" I smiled seeing both of our birthstones on it.

"I do," He tucked some hair behind my ear.

"What if I told you I was asking now?" I muttered. My eyes moved to his. He stared at me his eyes searching. 

"It's a horrible way to ask, but after everything that's happened. I don't want any regrets. You can say no if you want, I will understand. It's a big step, but I've lost too much for me to let everything else go. I want everything. I love you so much it makes me sick sometimes. The thought of you dying or something happening. I can't—." I shook my head. 

"You're my person. You will forever be my person. I can love no one else the way I love you." My words grew quieter as I spoke seeing his face soften as he stared at me.

"This is not the proper way to ask," Alec breathed. I clenched my jaw my heart aching. This was a rejection. I understood, but I didn't at the same time. It was fast, but I love him. Unless he didn't love me the same. He stepped back pulling something from his pocket.

"Alec," I muttered as he knelt in front of me. A small grey box in his hand.

"Lena Fairchild. You're everything to me. You're my entire world. I too want everything with you. I want to experience everything with you. I know we are young, but given our jobs and history, I can't wait any longer. After knowing you for so many years I can confidently say that I started falling for you the moment we met," I smiled as I stepped closer to him.

 "It sounds so cliche, but it's true. After the first time we exchanged names you were always on my mind. The other times after that were coincidences, but now I truly think it was fate that brought you into my life. You keep me centered. When you're with me I'm calm and sane," He laughed a little. "So Lena, will you marry me?" He opened the box showing the ring.

"Can I take your name?" I asked. 

He smiled up at me shaking his head. The ring was simple. A gold band with a single gem on it. His birthstone.

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now