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Lilith has come back from her trip to I don't know where, but she came back pissed. Demons have been in and out of her little throne room as she spoke to them. Something was happening and it wasn't good.

"What's going on?" I leaned against the wall.

"Nothing," She gave me a tight smile.

"That was a lie," I said. "I thought family didn't lie to one another." She let out a long breath.

"I wanted to go back and kill Jonathan for what he did, but someone wouldn't let me out." She muttered. I stared at her.

"What do you mean? Someone," I breathed. 

I moved toward one of the windows and saw the seal on the rift. The demons were flying around, but they couldn't go through. I knew that blue hinted magic anywhere. I tried to move, but she held me still with her magic. Magnus was here. He was here.

"Family doesn't abandon family," She said. 

She spun me around her magic burning my arms. She walked toward me her finger trailing up my neck. I could feel my skin blister under her touch.

"I can convince him," I whispered. She moved her hand back releasing me. I huffed and took in a deep breath. "He thinks of me as a daughter I can convince him to do whatever you ask."

"I'm working on that already," She smiled. I looked up at the sky seeing the demons hoarding.

"Do you really think you can beat Amodeous's son in hell? This is his domain and his magic is much stronger here." I warned. She stared at me. "What do you want?"

"I want him to see me as an equal. I want to go through and kill Jonathan." She reached for me, but I stepped back. "I want to murder that bastard. I've given him everything, I've given him love and he returned the favor by trying to kill me."

"I think that may just be a Morgenstern thing," I reasoned. Family trying to kill family. She tilted her head. "I will go to him. I can convince him." 

We both stood in silence for a while until she waved her hand. I didn't waste a moment as I took off running. I didn't know how I was going to get out of this fucking castle but I was going to. I looked outside seeing the flames. Hellfire. 

My favorite. I didn't die when I came here because of the small amount of demon blood still in me. Lilith's blood still coursed through my veins.

"Come on Lena, you aren't afraid." I breathed. My hand went to my neck as I grabbed the necklace taking my ring off and sliding it back onto my finger. "You aren't afraid." 

I jumped from the window the fire catching my clothes as I fell through the air. A demon screeched as it flew below me. I grabbed onto its wing breaking my fall as we both scrambled onto the hard surface. 

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now