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"Lena." I sat up from the bed. The covers were so warm.

"Why can't I just sleep in?" I sighed. Alec smiled at me, his head was tilted to the side and his arms were crossed. The forbidden stance. I slapped my hand over my eyes. "Don't do that!"

"Do what?" He laughed.

"Don't." I swung my legs over the side of the bed. "Give me that gorgeous smile. That you know I'd do anything for." 

I looked through my closet and found a pair of jeans and threw them onto the bed. I grabbed a grey shirt. Alec came over kissing my temple as he went to the bathroom to get ready as well. There was a knock at our door and then Magnus came in.

"Magnus?" I tugged my shirt on. Alec's head popped out of the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth.

"Oh." He mumbled something. I stared at him not understanding. He threw his hand at Magnus and disappeared into the bathroom again.

"Is it okay if I stay here for a few nights?" Magnus played with the rings on his fingers.

"Yeah, but what happened?"

"I moved out of my apartment so I now have to find a new place," Magnus said. He clasped his hands behind his back and gave me a smile. He was trying to make it seem like he was okay. 

"Yes you can stay here, but why did you move out? You loved that apartment," I crossed my arms. He glanced at the door as people passed. He was avoiding. "It was the price for your magic wasn't it?"

"Well you're more than welcome here, it's like having my best friend here," I smiled. 

Alec moved out of the bathroom so I went into the bathroom and got ready. When we walked out I could tell Magnus was nervous. He didn't like being around this many shadow hunters.

"It's like a school cafeteria Magnus," I said.

"Yeah, but they are all going to stare," Magnus whispered.

"Don't worry, they won't," Alec said. 

He moved through the doors. Magnus walked after him and I walked behind making sure no one looked at him funny. If Raj or anyone else gave him a bad look they wouldn't think about looking up again.

"I glare at everyone." I patted his shoulder

"Reassuring," Magnus said. 

The hunters did look but immediately looked back down when they realized I was taking note of who looked at him.

"Magnus, what are you doing here?" Isabelle asked. He sat down next to her with his tray of food. It wasn't as fancy as he was used to, but it was edible and sometimes the food was good But that was rare.

"I'm having trouble finding a new place," He picked up his glass of orange juice and grimaced. "My realtor died a century ago. So it's been slow."

"He's going to be staying here a few nights," Alec added. Magnus set his glass down looking at his pancake.

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now