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"There is Drevak ichor everywhere," Clary said

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"There is Drevak ichor everywhere," Clary said.

"There's a demon close," I muttered. We walked with each other through the crowd leading into an alley.

"I just want you to know that it kills me that you have to be connected to Jonathan for another second," Isabelle muttered to Clary.

"Honestly I've reached a point, where I don't mind," Clary sighed as she looked at the walls. Isabelle and I shared a look and then turned to her.

"Really? After all the monster has done to you?" Isabelle asked. Clary stopped and looked at us.

"Jonathan is not a monster," She snapped.

"What?" Isabelle looked at me.

"He was rejected by our parents, tortured and mutilated by Lilith," She stepped closer to us. "If anything he's a victim."

"Oh, and I'm just nonexistent?" I asked.

"A victim?" Isabelle laughed. "He's—This isn't you talking. It's the rune." 

I reached for Clary, but she went to hit me. I turned and punched her. Isabelle pulled me back as Jace came around the corner.

"I'm here. I'm here." I held my hands up. "You hit her?"

"I'm sorry," Clary breathed. "Lena I'm sorry. Izzy, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Isabelle breathed. "Stay close to her Jace."

"I didn't mean to punch you," I sighed. I turned around with Isabelle. "That hard," I whispered as she smacked my arm. "Ow!"

"You three together," Isabelle instructed the others. She grabbed my arm. "You are coming with me."

"Wait, but—." Alec was cut off as she stared at him. "Whatever." I laughed a little as he moved after Clary and Jace. He had to third wheel, poor Alec.

"Why are we on our own?" I asked.

"You've been off recently. What happened earlier?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I don't know what you mean," She gave me a look and I stopped. "Magnus had a breakdown earlier."


"Yeah," I nodded as we slowly moved forward. "He's going to spiral without his magic, Iz. He's the only parent I have left. Luke is Clary's dad, he was never mine. The only one I've ever had is Magnus. He's taken care of me and I won't let him lose himself for helping me."

"There isn't anything you can do, right?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Earlier I went to a conduit to communicate with Asmodeus," She stared at me. "It was a safe option I'm not dumb enough to do that tonight." I reasoned.

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now