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It felt like I was going on milk errands

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It felt like I was going on milk errands. From one place to the next asking to see if people would be willing to give their DNA over to the Clave to clear their names. 

It was dark after I'd talked to the wolves at the Jaded Wolf. It was time to go to Magnus's. I was surprised to hear music when I got there. I opened the door seeing Magnus and Dot dancing with one another.

"Well this is pleasant," I smirked. Magnus turned smiling at me.

"Bean!" He came forward taking my hands and dancing with me around the room.

"Magnus," I pulled him to a stop. "You know I never judge you." He pouted and looked over at Dot.

"There is judgment in those words," Magnus sighed. I gripped his hands tightly.

"Why are you drinking so much? Is it from what happened with Valentine?" I asked him as Dot came into the room with another drink.

"Just let loose," She passed it to me. I shook my head.

"I'm okay, but are you?" I asked the two of them.

"What do you need bean?" Magnus sighed taking the drink from Dot.

"The clave wants downworlders to give samples of their DNA to clear their names. Shadow hunters are being murdered by different downworlds, their runes carved out." I explained.

"That sounds horrible, but we've been here," Dot leaned against Magnus's shoulder. "So we are free." I gave them a tight smile.

"We aren't giving you our DNA. This isn't a witch hunt," Magnus shook his head.

"I wasn't going to make you Mag," I said. "Take care of one another alright." 

They nodded but continued dancing. I let out a long breath as I left the apartment. I hated that I couldn't help him. Magnus had helped me so much over the year, I just wanted to be there for him. My phone started buzzing.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hey, are you on your way back yet?" Alec asked. "The Herondale crusade is pissing me off."

"Yeah, that's precisely why I'm trying to avoid them as long as possible," I admitted.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just—I'm fine. I will be there soon," I took a deep breath. The streets were surprisingly empty at this time of night.

"Be safe, they've found two more bodies," Alec said.

"Shit, Alec, that's too many," I breathed. 

There was a sound behind me so I turned seeing nothing. I was just jumpy. The idea that someone would carve the runes out of my skin made me shiver. 

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now