four ⋆ ★

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Alana's pov:

It's finally Friday, the day before the concert and I couldn't be more excited. There was still a pretty harsh scar across my cheek but I had just been telling people that I had fallen over. The few hours I had been in school seemed like hell on earth. My mind was full of urges that I had tried to ignore. I sat in my English lesson, a rubber band flicking off my wrist causing it to turn a bright red. Mixed thoughts of do it and don't do it fought in my mind. I raised my hand, "Miss can I go to the toilet please?" She nods back and I get from my seat and walk to the bathroom, my eyes welling with tears. I have given up. 

I speed walked down the corridor, keeping my head down as I went past the classrooms going the quickest way to the bathroom. I went into the first stall and pulled the silver blade I kept in the small side pocket of my blazer. I pulled up my sleeves and began dragging the blade across my skin. I felt so alive and free as I saw the blood rush. This was the feeling I had longed for. 

Time had passed and I found myself once again sat in the English classroom, but this time I was numb. 

"Off you go, enjoy lunch." The female at the front of the classroom said before the 30 children in the room hurried to exist through the tiny door. I walked a few doors down to where Piper's lesson was, dodging the boys who were running from their classrooms to the canteen. As I arrived at the door, Pipers class was being let out. I grabbed her hand and we walked down to the canteen, laughing and catching eachother up about the last two hours we had been separated for. "Ugh those boys were being creepy again." She tells me. 'Those boys' referred to the group of 3 boys in her science class who thought they were funny or cool when making comments to Piper. "What did they say? I can fight them if you want." I say, meaning the end part. "You don't need to fight them." She says, rolling her eyes. "But I can." I shrug, "What did they say?" "They just made more comments on my body and started talking loudly to eachother about how they would love to get in bed with me." She says. "God, ew. Fuck them." I tell her. She laughs a little, "How was history with Mr Hudson?" "DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED." I laugh as we get to the canteen. We sit down at a table as I rant about my annoying history teacher.

"You gonna have something to eat?" Piper asks, offering me some of her cucumber. "Fine. Only because you won't stop asking until I eat something, plus I want to be able to jump and sing tomorrow. I'm so excited oh my god." I say, taking them smallest slice of cucumber and placing it into my mouth. "Yum." I say sarcastically with a forced smile, causing Piper to laugh. "I'm glad you like." She says with giggle. "Oh I loveeee." I tell her rolling my eyes. "Can we talk about a better topic such as Taylor swift?" I ask, begged she would agree. "Fine. How excited are you for tomorrow night?" She rolls her eyes while picking up a cucumber piece. I let out an excited squeal, "Oh my god I am like jumping around inside my mind right now. I can not wait to go." I tell her. We talk for a while, mainly her bullying me about being so excited but I didn't care.

"Allie! Wait up! God you walk so fast." Ethan says running down the path to me. I pull out my headphones and wait for him to catch up. "I'm just trying to get away from the hell hole over there." I say pointing to the school building you could still slight see behinds the trees. "Your so dramatic." He rolls his eyes while breathing deeply. "And your so unfit. How far did you run? 2 feet?" I giggle and he jokingly rolls his eyes while laughing aswell. "Oh shut up." Ethan laughs and pushes me forward. 

We walk to the home, talking and laughing the whole way home. "Nothings changed from the plan for tomorrow has it?" Ethan asked, referring to when I go to Piper's house to get ready from the show. "Nope! Still getting picked up at 10." I tell him to which he nods.

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