three ⋆ ★

973 35 11

Alana's pov:

The sun had rose and my alarm went off but I couldn't get up. Everything inside of me had given up. There was a nasty scar across my cheek and my legs were covered in blue bruises. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with Aurora snuggled up next to me as Ethan walked through the door. "Hey hey hey!" Ethan walks in enthusiastically. "Morning." I manage to get out, no energy in me at all. "Have you not seen it?" Ethan asks. "Seen what?" I question back. "Pass me your phone." He smirks while I pull myself to the other side of my bed and unplug my phone from my charger. I unlocked my phone and passed it to Ethan. After a few moments, Ethan passed me back my phone, it opened to the comments of the video he had posted the day before. 

@taylorswift: I hope she never grows up too. I love you both SO MUCH. This is the cutest video ever. ♥️♥️

My sad, tired face was filled with a smile even though it hurt to do so from the huge scar I had. "Oh my god oh my god. ETHAN I LOVE YOU." I say, causing him to laugh. "Your welcome." He says, bowing down. "Anywho I need to get to school," he came over and kissed my forehead. "Feel better Allie." He says before closing the door behind him.




➤ 😭😭

➤ I gtg to school, Ethan told me that you aren't coming, feel better soon xx 

Bye!! Have fun loser

➤ shut up.

A smile was plastered on my face. I couldn't believe it. "She said I love you." I whispered to myself. I never heard those words so no matter how much she didn't mean it, it still made me feel so warm. I stared at the comments for a long long while, repeating it in my head and feeling every worry in my mind slip away. Taylor Swift knows who I am. What the fuck. As I looked in the comments, a few sparked my attention. 

@juniorjewels13: what are those marks on her arms? No hate just worried.

@amanda463: She's so skinny like wtf eat a burger would you

@co1dasyou: She has such a pretty voice but like what is going on with her arms.

Fuck. What the fuck had I done? I hadn't even looked long enough to noticed that my scars were showing. Shit shit shit. I watched the whole video through, seeing each time the scars were visible. Oh my god the whole world has seen my scars. Oh my god Taylor Swift had seen my scars. I paused for a moment, my mind racing as I stared at the blank white wall infront of me. A few moments passed and I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, someone had sent me a DM. I swiped, only to find out that it was fucking Taylor Swift. I raced to open it:

Hey Alana! I loved your video so much, you have such an amazing voice. I know it is completely none of my businesses but I can't help but worry about the scars on your arms that are visible at times during the video. You don't have to talk about it, I just wanted to share my concerns that a few of them look almost infected. You seem like such an amazing girl and you are just so pretty. I know you can get through this. I'm here is you do want to talk, I love you so so much 💓

Oh my fucking god. I really had fucked up. Now I had THE Taylor Swift worried. What have I done?

Thank you for you concerns Taylor but I'm fine, really. You don't need to worry about me I promise 😊. I have tickets to your opening night this weekend! I'm so excited to watch you play, you have been such a huge inspiration for me. I'm sorry if I scared you or anything with my scars, I know they aren't the nicest thing to look at. I'll make sure to get someone to look at the cuts and make sure they aren't infected but I think they are fine. Also against thank you so much for offering help and support but I'm okay! I don't need anyone's help, I do things on my own. 

It was a matter of seconds before the bubbles appeared to show she was typing again. Was she really that eager for me to message back?

➤ I'm so excited that you are coming to a show!! I really do hope you enjoy, I'm so excited to be back on tour. 

➤ Also sweetheart, you may be used to dealing with things by yourself, but everyone needs some help sometimes. Never be afraid to reach out, there will be people out there who care for you. And please please please never apologise for you scars! They show how far you have come!! You are worth so much more then you will ever know I promise. There is so much more for you to come, you just need to hold on to see it. I love you so much! ♥️

Tears formed in my eyes as I read the message. Why was she being so nice? I didn't really know what to say, how do you reply to Taylor Swift telling you that life is worth living for when I didn't believe it? I was so sick of everyone telling me 'it will get better', what if I don't? I was so ready for everything to end.

I'm sure things will get better soon or whatever. I love you to the moon and to Saturn 🪐♥️

➤ Things will get better sweetheart, I promise. I know it feels like the end of the world right now but you will get through it, it just takes a while. It takes a long time of trying and failing but recovery is so worth fighting for, you are so worth fighting for. 

➤ Love you too the moon and to Saturn too Alana. 

 I reacted with a heart to her message. I didn't know what else to say, I wasn't about to pour my heart out to her. No matter how many times anyone told me it would get better, how was I supposed to believe them? I'm currently sat in bed, unable to move with a huge scar across my cheek. Does that seem like something that will get better? I curled into a ball and cried for hours.

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Hope you guys are enjoying!! I decided to do a double chapter release because I felt like it 🤫🤷‍♀️. Chapter 2 was more a filler chapter that I wrote while pissed at my school who were being stupid with skirts again 🙄 but I feel like it portrayed the point that teachers shouldn't be looking at my skirt!! I loved writing this chapter so I hope you guys like it too! Love you guys ♥️♥️

Thoughts? Opinions?


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